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Depressed; prodromes not alleviating...infectious?

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Hi all new to this forum and desperately looking for answers, advice, anything.

I've been reading a lot on this forum and others, and on the internet about prodromal symptoms reoccurring and lingering with no outbreaks. Why is there no scientific explanation or treatment on this? Why do doctors continue to tell me it's not HSV related when there are so many shared experiences and no other explanation to the root of the symptoms. I am wondering if anyone out there has deeper insight into this, maybe with a medical background. And is this in fact prodromal, the virus activating/active, meaning I am more contagious? Apart from the physical and mental toll of constantly feeling these symptoms, I am of course most worried about being intimate again as to me prodromal-like symptoms = viral activity = contagious. How long is this going to go for...

A little background - it's been constant 2 months now. I first contracted ghsv1 over 5 years ago with absolutely no OB's or prodromes since my primary. I was in a long term relationship. After we broke up I had been celibate for a year+ and then bam, first very brief intercourse I had with a new person 2 months ago these symptoms all came rushing in (pain in my groin, thighs, calf twitching, various vaginal/anal agitation, and nerve pain even in other parts of my body). Just my luck 😞 , I was just overcoming my breakup and building myself up and this was the LAST thing I needed... It has unfortunately really thrown me back into depression. On top of this, just a few days ago the new partner now says he's been feeling pain down there come and go periodically. I am wondering if the new sexual activity awoke the virus in me and transmitted it to him instantly -- is this even possible? I'll mention he does have ohsv1 (we are both negative for everything else). I hadn't told him I've been experiencing similar pain because I thought it would go away. Plus, I've been to 4 doctors (PCP, 2 Gyno's, and an Infectious Disease Dr) and all have ruled out the symptoms are due to H because of how long the symptoms have lasted and that I shouldn't be particularly more infectious. So I didn't think it was necessary to freak him out quite yet. But now I don't know what to do, or what is going on, what's up with him or why isn't it going away. I've tried all kinds of vitamins, herbs, ointments, healers -- you name it. Was put on valcyclovir but that didn't help on or off it, so I went back on it just to be safe for suppression if I ever get intimate again. The pain and unknown diagnosis (although in my opinion it has to be hsv activity) is tormenting. I just want to be able to feel healthy, happy and optimistic. After all these years, I am just so in shock what's now developing. Praying for miracles.


I feel your pain. I have had GHSV (not sure if its type 1 or 2) for about 10 years. The past 8 I have been on acyclovir that worked wonders and never had any symptoms or outbreaks until last March. Since then I have had constant prodome symptoms that don’t seem to go away, itching, irritation, discomfort, redness etc.,. I’ve also started having what I thought to be yeast infections at least once a month because I’m not getting typical sores but now I think they are outbreaks. This past one happened 2 weeks apart. I’ve upped my acyclovir to try and get this under control but it has been completely debilitating. My doctor did prescribe me valacyclovir 500 mg once a day and the only month I was free from anything was in October when I took 1g a day which is the correct dose to be on from what I’ve read. I have an appointment with my PCP and Gyno this week because I don’t know if there’s an underlying issue or what to do anymore. It really takes a toll on you mentally and physically. Hang in there! What dose of valacyclovir are you on? I definitely want to stay on that just to try and help with the transmission (my husband is negative). I also take a bunch of supplements and vitamins but nothing seems to be helping.


@ash128083 Thanks for your reply and I am sorry as well you are experiencing this. Do let me know what your doctors have to say about it. At first I was taking 500mg 2x per day, then down to 1 500 mg per day for transmission reduction/suppression, but just stopped again as I am wondering if it's making the prodromes worse. I searched some other topics on here and some experienced similar side effects. I'm stuck though, because of course just like you I would like to reduce transmission as much as possible..

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