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First disclosure success and on cloud 9

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I finally told my boyfriend my little secret. I was terrified. Heart pumping, facts ready, on the verge of crying. We had just watched an episode of dexter so I thought to myself, well it could be worse, I could be a serial killer right? I sent him a text earlier in the night that we needed to talk about something so he would keep asking me about it. Although I pushed it off, I couldn't avoid it. I sat him down and told him about my surprise blood test and what it meant. I told him how much I cared about him and wanted to protect him. I told him he had to not only get tested but also decide if being with me is right for him. He kind of chuckled, which I was offended at first because I was in tears but his response was nothing what I expected. He said "do you think thats going to stop me from being with you?" He told me that I was the most amazing person he's ever met and I made him a better person. While I couldn't stop crying from happiness and relief, he even cracked a joke saying "it was just another bump in the road on the way to the rest of our lives" which I thought was both clever and funny. Really helped me stop being in my head and made me realize how small this issue truly was. He asked a bunch of questions and just held me until I was okay. And guess what? He even had sex with me that night. He did not care. He saw me for me not this disease which I felt nobody would ever see again. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and I am seriously on cloud 9 that a beautiful man, inside and out, can treat me with such respect and love even with this little skin condition. Trust me ladies, he is the most handsome man I've ever dated. And sweetest. He texted me this morning telling me that he doesn't know how I do it because he cares even more deeply about me now than before I disclosed. I feel so connected and close with him, something I probably wouldn't have ever experienced without herpes. Who would have guessed herpes gave me something truly positive besides my STD test. haha!

I hope this helps anyone feeling down and unloveable because that is just not true. You are worthy of anything you desire; success, happiness, and yes even LOVE.


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Haha that is brilliant, I'm so pleased for you :classic_biggrin:

What a great guy you have found.

Hope your story is a great inspiration for anyone who wrongly thinks differently.
I have told so many people that there are many beautiful people out there, that will see beyond a shitty little virus
& your story clearly shows that.

I wish you both all the happiness in the world!


Wow. This was exactly what I was looking to read tonight. I find myself recently single from my giver and so so scared to date a “regular” guy again. I stayed with my giver longer than I would have if i had not acquired H2, but in the end I was so unhappy that I had to break it off. SO, I went on a dating site and am chatting with this guys that is SO me! And he keeps asking when we can meet and I’m scared. I’m scared that when I tell him he’s gonna reject me. I know, I know, he would be rejecting the H not ME, but I’m still scared. Your post gives me hope. I keep rehearsing out loud possible scenarios.... UGH.  

7 hours ago, Iwillbeok said:

Wow. This was exactly what I was looking to read tonight. I find myself recently single from my giver and so so scared to date a “regular” guy again. I stayed with my giver longer than I would have if i had not acquired H2, but in the end I was so unhappy that I had to break it off. SO, I went on a dating site and am chatting with this guys that is SO me! And he keeps asking when we can meet and I’m scared. I’m scared that when I tell him he’s gonna reject me. I know, I know, he would be rejecting the H not ME, but I’m still scared. Your post gives me hope. I keep rehearsing out loud possible scenarios.... UGH.  

My advice personally, that everyone differs on is when to tell him/her. I didn't tell my boyfriend until he really knew me. I believe if you only give them that information without them knowing anything about you, that's all they see and run. Our gift is a little bit of baggage, yes but on a first date you dont tell them about your crazy dysfunctional sided family or your family history of cancer. Just anything baggage like. I think my disclosure went well because he knew me and he saw me. He just accepted my baggage as bad with everything else that was good. I know dating for awhile before telling is hard because of "wasted time" but who's to say that guy even deserves your vulnerability. You dont know how worthy he is to truly get to know you unless you also get to know him. Just my advice, everyone is different 🙂 

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