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Hi all

I was diagnosed with hsv2 3 months ago and I am still coming to terms with it. I have had 3 outbreaks since my primary. 

Over Christmas I had a tingling sensation in the tip of my nose and then my skin turned tender and red and sligtly swollen but with no spot head. I’ve just had an outbreak but noticed a few spots on my face pop up around my chin and nose and I don’t usually suffer with spots but found some small spots similar on my arm and shoulders. I went to the sexual health clinic and the nurse said spots on my face was nothing to worry about and wasn’t related to the outbreak I was having treatment for (no tests she just looked at them) . I told her that day that my lips were tingling like my nerves were buzzing which was 4 days ago today I’ve noticed a little spot inside my lip.

I am worried sick I have passed this to my niece, She just has just had a bad viral throat infection and I noticed a red spot on her face the doctors said It was oral thrush but now has what looks like cold sores in the corner of her mouth. She is 6.

Could I have oral hsv2 and would there be a chance I’ve passed this to my niece?

I don’t think I could cope with that, I’ve been feeling suicidal thinking about it and don’t know what I can do.

i discussed with the nurse and she said I shouldn’t worry as not likely and if they are cold sores could have picked up from anywhere. Her mum gets cut lips from being in the sun which I now think is HSV1


Hi Lostatsea

I am assuming you have genital HSV2, as you then say that you got worried over Christmas with blemishes on your face/lips.
If that is the case it is extremely rare to have it orally too.

Blemishes around your face can be lots of things & stress & worrying can also cause them.

Please don't beat yourself up about passing this to your niece & as the nurse said it is unlikely.
If your nieces mother has oral HSV1 (cold sores) there is much more chance that she has got it from her mum
but hopefully it is just the viral infection she has at the moment.

Oral HSV1 is incredibly common, personally I think more people have got it than haven't &
factually it is 85% of people that are aged 50+ have got HSV1, most are asymptomatic (don't have outbreaks)

So please give yourself a pass & work on yourself & coming to terms with having HSV2
because it really is not that bad & in time will get so much easier.

Big Hugs!


Thank you so much for replying.... this is the first conversion I have had with someone who knows what this could feel like.

My first outbreak was hsv2 genital and I have had two more since but i will admit at first I was a terrible prodder trying to figure what was happening in those areas and now I am scared that I haven’t done enough hygiene wise not to spread to other areas of my body even though I do always wash and dry hands. I am guessing as it’s passed skin to skin that this can also easily be moved to other parts of the body including face?

I have had my head in the sand pretending it’s not actually happening to me and haven’t wanted to face any of it. Now it’s come to the suffice and so scared that I have harmed the people I care most about.

Today I woke up after a night of constant anxiety and terrors, even my dreams were about this possibility. I’ve found more spots on my face today and one with a head so going to get this checked out at the clinic tonight.

I am nervous about the answer to the result and know the next week isn’t going to be fun.

Shocked how bad and red my looks up close on camera. If anyone has any thoughts would appreciate feedback.

Again not really ever suffered from spots and feel like the nurses fobbed me off a little rather than took it serious. My whole face tingles. 

Currently on second week of viral meds and started to take the contraceptive pill to see if that helps with hormones as could be around my periods.






I would get these checked just for your piece of mind but they really do just look like regular spots to me.

I did exactly the same thing last week, I am so paranoid that every spot or bump I have is herpes.


When I first was diagnosed my face broke out terribly but I’ve read your face can break out from the stress on your body and after a while the breakouts got better. It was very painful but just acne 


It looks just like acne to me, but even if worse case scenario it is oral HSV 2, HSV 2 rarely recurs on the face or lips, it strongly prefers the nerve endings in the lower spine and people who do get it orally (very rare to begin with) usually only have a primary outbreak and no recurrences and barely ever shed the virus asymptomatically. that’s your worse case, and it’s not very likely at all. It’ll be ok! 

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