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First outbreak is nearly over, end of 10 day antivirals, what's next?

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I am so scared of what's next...

I don't have insurance so my plan is to take a multivitamin, oil of oregano, vitamin c, vitamin d, and l-lysine. I also plan to restart my low carb diet I was on pre-outbreak - eliminating peanuts and coffee, and sweet tea. 

I am so fearful of recurrent outbreaks. This was literally one of the worst experiences of my life. I have never been so miserable and in pain. Truly contemplated ending my life pre-percocet.

Is there anything else I need to do? 


I have no idea if they do, but maybe contact your local Planned Parenthood or if there is a community clinic in your area contact them to see if they offer valtrex at a low or no cost to you. IMO if you don’t have health insurance you should definitely be signed up with a community clinic in case something does come up. For me I always feel better knowing I have a bottle of valtrex on hand in case I feel any tingling 

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