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Is telling someone I have genital hsv-1 required by law

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Hello All

It has been tough in the past months since I got it from a girl I was dating for 3 months. We we're in love and talking about future and family etc. It was a strong connection. However she had been with lot of men than I did in her past and was involved in unprotected sex as well. She got it from a one night stand in September and she dated me in October with no knowledge about the disease. I got infected by that as it was her early outbreaks. I was never given an informed choice about my health. After her disclosure (after we got intimate couple of times) I was still supportive and stayed positive, but in 2 weeks after I got infected she brokeup and left me alone and ghosted me. When I needed support from her to go through the hsv1 

I am so devastated that the girl I loved trusted so much did this and did not even had compassion to ask me about my health. 

My question is can I legally sue her for spreading herpes without telling me upfront in North america. I have few chats history and call records that back this up

Looking for serious advice about how to navigate through this


It depends on the State but it's a stupid law and a waste of our legal system, because there is no way to actually prove who you got HSV from.  And the reality is, HSV-1 and HSV-2 aren't a big deal, they really aren't.


thought about it but its not a death sentence and anyone worth your time isn't going to care. California has already decriminalize the transmission of hiv and that is scary shit. no amount of money is going to change it for you so enjoy life and have fun

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