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Paper cut

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I’ve been with my partner for 2 years and a little bit ago he got something on his groin that looked like a long paper cut 2 days later it spread into what looked like a big rash that had spread all the from his groin to his scrotum . Few more days later , he had some sores on the rash and a few white fluid filled bumps . Does it sound like herpes?


Yes, it sure does. Search “paper cut herpes” on this site for a lot of descriptions that match up. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Oh brother .. his ex before me had 5 other sex partners while dating him & didn’t get tested after her . How are u able to pinpoint where u got it from if we’ve been together so long . 


There is no true way to pinpoint where it came from unless you take a test before and after being intimate with someone. It can also lie dormant for some time before activating in a typical format.Have you been tested?


First thing would be for him to get tested and typed if positive . If the sores are still very recent he should have them (pcr) scabbed ASAP. He can also blood test. If the swab is positive and the blood is negative that means that he may still be developing antibodies of the virus which also means it's a recent transmission. You mention that you have tested positive for cold sores which could be hsv1 or 2. Either way, it can also be transmitted through oral sex, so see it's not always that easy to pinpoint where it came from. 


Wait so he had these symptoms almost 2 years ago? Have them comeback since then at all? Why hasn't be been tested? You should push for that. For you, even though you have hsv1 it is still possible to contract hsv2 (if he has it, of course). Granted there are many couples that never transmit, but it is still important to know what if anything you guys are dealing with.


Yea it happened almost 2 years ago I was just thinking about it recently , he said he never had anything like that before but I know that means nothing especially since his EX had multiple sex partners while they were together  .. nothing came back since then that he has told me about .


It’s my understanding that if u have cold sore on the mouth you can transmit gentially. Also if the virus is shedding u might not have active sores and you can still spread the virus even if u don’t have a sore that’s how this virus is getting spread so easily. If u already have Hsv1 and u gave him it from oral sex then u shouldn’t get it gential it usually only stays in one spot. Hsv1 is more milder than Hsv2. He should get tested, even if the sores aren’t there. So many ppl have herpes and don’t know because they get mild symptoms or no symptoms at all but the virus still sheds.

On 2/9/2019 at 11:24 AM, Justawomen said:

I know about the asymptomatic shedding but how do I know if he got it from or previously if I’ve jever had a visible sore’s

Sometimes u may never know unless u breakout right away after being infected. My giver gave me mine and I knew I got it from him because I broke out with it within 2 weeks of having sex. 

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