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Period Outbreak??

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Hey ladies, 

So long story short I have ghsv1, diagnosed August of 2018. Since my first outbreak I have not had another. Fast forward to now, I genuinely cannot tell if I am having an outbreak? May be TMI, but it’s the second day of my period and my labia is super itchy. I’m not sure if this is an outbreak since there are no other symptoms. I also read online it could be pad chaffing (since I didn’t change my pad all day due to light period, which again, I never do). I usually always use tampons and sleep with a pad but have never gone a whole day in the same pad. So I’m unsure if it’s an irritation from that or an outbreak. If anyone has any advice or ways to tell the difference please advise!!!! Thank you!!! 


For me personally, I tend to not get outbreaks often but when I do they are usually right before or during my period. Sometimes I don't get any actual breakout but just the really itchy feeling like that area is on fire. I take Valtrex as soon as I have a feeling I'm getting an outbreak and honestly that helps clear it right up. I highly suggest looking into that as I know how uncomfortable the breakout can be esp when you're on your period. 


I'm 47 and my periods are sporadic at my age. I'm having a very light one after not having one since Dec. and am feeling burning and irritation but so far now outbreak that I can see. 😞

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