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Has anyone tried juice fasting?

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After watching fat, sick and nearly dead on amazon prime, i got the bright idea to juice fast. 

Not because I wanted to lose weight though. After the documentary, I did tons of research on fasting and the benefits. 

I realized I could alter how this herpes situation expresses itself. In other words, reduce the crazy ass symptoms I get with my outbreak
(food sensitivities, chronic sinusitis, neurological pain, pins and needles sensation on my skin random itching..etc)

My doctor told me my symptoms were because my immune system is playing catch up and needs a break to heal. She didn't recommend the juice fast. I took it upon myself to initiate this.

I was already on an anti-inflammatory diet so the transition for me to a juice only diet was a breeze. 

Four days in (started my juice fast on sunday), my nerve pain has eased up A LOT. Last night was the first night I slept with NO pain at all. However, i don't know if it's from the anti-inflammatory effects of juicing veggies and very little fruit or if it's started the healing process already. With the exception of the first two days, I've also noticed an incredible energy boost. This morning I woke up with an insane amount of energy. Even if this doesn't help to ease my H symptoms, i'm sticking it out just to see what this does. 

Again I know there isn't a cure for H. I'm simply trying to rejuvenate my immune system so my H outbreaks isn't that bad. 

I'm also convinced i have something else going on besides H. Not an std but a minor digestive issue and hope this will restore balance. 

A friend of mine said she was able to reduce her symptoms by following an AIP diet. Yes, juice fasting is very time consuming and a little extreme but 
i'm actually enjoying reading up on different veggies and herbs and taking care of myself. I feel super empowered! 

If you've done this before (a juice fast not just drinking homemade juice every now and then ), i'd love to hear about your experience. 


Fasting is a wonderful way for me to press the reset button and clear out my system from residue that’s been building up. In fact, I stopped eating breakfast every day because I ironically have more energy when I skip it. I did do a super green juice diet for a bit here and there and I agree — it certainly feels good and helps to lighten the load.

A word to the wise: If you’re fasting completely (with something like the master cleanse protocol) *before* you start feeling that metallic taste (like you’ve swallowed a nickel), then slowly start reintroducing actual food back into your diet. That’s a sign that your body is starting to break itself down to get necessary supplements. That started happening to me right around day 8 or 9 but it’s different for each person. Just pay attention to your sweet sweet body and don’t overdo it. 😄 

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I actually have been interested in juicing! I have been going back and forth on that a an alkaline diet- basically greans, some fruits and some nuts. No meat, sugar, processed foods or dairy. It reminds me of vegan. I have read and watch so many videos on all the benefits it has for your body! What type of juicer do you have?

17 hours ago, Newhm said:

I actually have been interested in juicing! I have been going back and forth on that a an alkaline diet- basically greans, some fruits and some nuts. No meat, sugar, processed foods or dairy. It reminds me of vegan. I have read and watch so many videos on all the benefits it has for your body! What type of juicer do you have?

I don't have a juicer! I do have a nutribulletRX though. it's more like a high powered blender. 

I pour the smoothie into a strainer to make my juice LOL. 

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