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Is my HSV-1 oral or genital?

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Last year after having unprotected sex, the following day I began to get irritation around my penis including some red spots and small rashes. A few days later I had white heads appear near the base of my penis but with no pain. By the end of the week I even spotted what I believed was a very small genital wart on my penis. This freaked me out because I already knew a lot about herpes so I suspected it could be a mild outbreak triggered through sex and now I had genital warts on top of this. 

The next week I went to the clinic but by this point the white head spots had faded, but still I explained everything and they diagnosed my genital wart but didn't suggest herpes. I also had a boil above my pubic area filled with puss but was told this wasn't linked to herpes. I was still worried my outbreak could've been so mild that it went unnoticed so I decided to take a private blood test to ease my concerns, the results came back HSV-2 negative but HSV-1 positive. A nurse phoned me with the results and I explained to her why I thought it could be genital but based on my symptoms she told me she thinks it's just oral due to the absence of painful blisters. I can never remember having coldsores but my father has always had them and from what I can remember he was never that careful in keeping me protected since we would share drinks etc. My mother also had genital herpes while she was pregnant with me if this is relevant.

Since then I've not known what to think, at times I do get red spots on and around my penis and every time this happens I visit the clinic but they always tell me it isn't anything to worry about and no need for swab tests etc. I'm just in a position now where I don't know how to start dating because I'm unsure what to tell future partners. I am ready to start a long-term relationship with someone but I feel it is best to be honest with them although I'm worried how best to explain my situation without scaring them away.

I actually have feelings for someone but she lives in the same accommodation as me and we share mutual friends so I don't know if I could bring myself to tell her and risk others knowing. We have been spending a lot of time together lately and as much as I want to make a move this is holding me back and I'm not sure if it can ever work given my circumstances. 

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I'm sorry you are going through this but only swabs can really tell you if it is orally or genitally. Have you ever had symptoms in or around your mouth? You could have it in both locations. I have hsv1 and I really believe I have it in both places but I have more issues genitally. 



Thanks but there's no need to apologise, we are all going through something tough.

I get spots around my lips a lot, I wouldn't call them cold sores though but every single red spot or white head certainly gravitates to my lips for some reason. Have you had a blood test then? It's frustrating not knowing due to a lack of a swab.

How do you disclose what you have? 



Yes I've had a blood test. I haven't been able to get a sore to swab yet. I've had canker sores that I could have had swabbed but of course the doc would say oh this is def. Not herpes, canker sores are harmless... 

I haven't had the pleasure of disclosing to anyone yet. I'm kind of hating relationships right now. I moved away and had to leave my awesome great praying job so now I need to pick up my dang pieces and get my life back... Whatever that means. 

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i swear I ihave noticed more bumps around my mouth since getting HSV2 genitally... I feel as though I spread it some how... Maybe paranoia bc I've always had extremely dry lips and I do get pimples near my mouth but Idk. 


Hopefully you didn't.. I feel the same though.. I get things that pop up on my mouth not like cold sores or anything but just like weirdness... I know for sure I have hsv1 gentially because all my issues mainly are down there.. or I have some other damn virus that doctors don't test for. 


Both!!!!!!! It is both! I have both oral and genital. And no I didn’t give it to myself. 

They can be interchanged and you can get both in the same place! 


You can have genital type one and two and oral type one and two! 

I suggest the next time a bump appears in your mouth PLEASE go to your doctor and let them take a sample that way you’ll know for sure! BLOOD TESTS aren’t accurate all the time! It will not differentiate between your mouth and genita because where ever you get the virus it’s the same strain. One and two are slightly different! 

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