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I just want a best friend... A partner. I have wasted my life with men who were never considered a best friends or a partner and I hate it... And now, I have this stupid thing in my life.. 

I see so many friends with their best friends and I just want to trip them lol.. not literally. 

My sister just married the man if her dreams and he is the best partner for her. Happy but seriously jealous. They both have great jobs and s great house. I just became a single mom l, had to move to a new state, leave my nice career. I feel like I just lost everything and hit rock bottom. I'm seriously hating my life. 


Yea when you put it like that it sure sounds stinky lol. Like everyone else will prob tell you "youre too hard on yourself" but i dont blame you. Adding this stupid thing on top of everything else on your shoulders just SUCKS. But if you get around to shifting that mentality , you'll realize that some of your problems can actually be used to your advantage. Granted , losing a nice career sucks ass on top of moving to a new state but dont you feel a little glimmer of hope that his can be a good thing? (plz dont slap me) 

New friends, new you, new co workers, maybe a chance at rebuilding yourself stronger than before? Comparing lives is never really a good thing to do but I do understand how hard it is in this day and age where everyones journal is out there in the open (Facebook, IG) like hey guys, look at only the good things in my life lol. It'll take discipline to really drill a new lifestyle in your head, especially when you want the old one back . Just love yourself extra super hard and youre gonna attract that same love from different humans.

I wish nothing but thehhh bestttt, for youuuuuuuuu *adele voice*😎 



Yea starting new does sound like a great opportunity to start fresh... I'm just stuck trying to figure out how to make great. I just feel so lost. I use to be the life of the party.. so filled with energy. Now I just feel like a damn lump. I hate being so negative. 

I just can't wait to feel like I have my life back. I wish I could get into exercising but I hate it haha. 

Maybe once I start working again and making money I'll start feeling better, hopefully. 

Thank you for replying. 

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