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Disclosure: A Perfect Way to Be Your Most Authentic Self

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Wanted to share some good news with y'all that happened tonight  Hopefully for anyone feeling down or questioning about if (and really it's when) dating is possible, the answer is an emphatic yes!

 I dated a H- guy for awhile after I was diagnosed & ended it recently. After that, I kinda restarted taking to a guy from last year whoo I ended things with tight after I was diagnosed. I didn't tell him why I really ghosted & used school as an easy excuse. Well, since we reconnected, hanging out again, things have been pretty good and he invited to a overnight trip outta town to get my mind off school for a bit. 

I figured this was good time to come clean about why I ghosted, my HSV+ status & put everything on the table tonight. To my surprise he was cool with it, actually has personal experience with his first college girlfriend. This is my third positive disclosure to a dating potential & have to say, it definitely get easier the more you do. 

I'm soooooooo looking forward to this weekend now that I can't break the physical barrier hehehehehe


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I know you already posted this in the other thread lol but I just want to add to the positivity here and say that since my diagnosis I've had 2 positive experiences with the people in my life. 

The partner I believe I contracted it from; we found out together (he didn't know he had it) & he was absolutely supportive, came with me to get tested, got tested for absolutely everything I asked him to (I was an emotional wreck lol, and he was very supportive and strong for me throughout the process. I was also keeping him calm with all the research I was doing. Basically, I would have never willingly agreed to contracting hsv, but I would have not wished for a different experience in dealing with my diagnosis). 

Also, I had another partner who I disclosed to and it went really well. They were absolutely ready to have sex that moment lol. I definitely was more afraid than they were--turns out they also met someone who is hsv positive and it didn't stop him from wanting to be with her either. 

All of that to say being a single woman and dating is already difficult with/without hsv, it is possible to have lover(s) (depending on your dating style) and be safe and enjoy yourself. 

There's someone I'm just recently talking to, I don't know if we'll get to the stage of disclosure, but I must admit I'm not nervous about it because I, most importantly, have come to a place of acceptance of my diagnosis (even on days when I have to remind myself that I have accepted it lol) and I have the experience of partners with whom hsv was not an issue, so even if this person made a decision not to move forward dating/sexually I know that it is not a reflection of me. 

I'm always such a fan of your positivity!!! You've definitely help me feel comfortable with not allowing this diagnosis to "ruin" my life. 

Hoping whoever finds this can get some light from it and understand that life goes on, and can & will be beautiful even with your diagnosis.

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