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GHSV: Devastated and concerned, any advice?

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Hey everyone, I'm 22 years old and am new to this forum. So 9 days ago my boyfriend and I were just grinding on each other and then he went down on me. About 3 days after, I started to develop a sore and day after day it got progressively worse. Now, I have swollen lymph nodes in my pelvis, had muscle aches before, and have another couple sores that popped up on my vagina and butt too. The butt ones are the worst, they itch so bad. I am still awaiting my test results, but I'm pretty sure my diagnosis is that I have genital herpes. I cried when I found out. Every second of every day feels like I can't get my mind off it and can't help but wish that I could just go back to the way I was before. I'm a little depressed about it and can't tell anyone, not even my parents for fear they'll be really angry and not sympathetic. I don't even want to tell my boyfriend, who likely gave it to me, because I don't know how he'll react and I don't want him to break up with me. I'm angry and sad and I'm turning to this forum to help me feel less alone in all of this. For those of you who've gone through this, are the future outbreaks gonna be as bad as the first? Also, do you have any recommendations to help ease with the itchy blisters down there or like any remedies/ treatments I should try? Any and all answers are appreciated!


Well I am also new to this. 17 days back I found it through a blood report. Haven't experienced any ob as such. What I read is the first one is the worst. Recurrence are not that bad as the first one. But then again everyone as unique and different experience. If its ghsv1 then the ob are like once in every one and half year. You have to figure out which type it is. Lots of people here have managed to control ob by improving their life style. Only thing I can tell you is you are not alone. We all are going through the same journey. Wish you a speedy recovery. 

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Hi Ritzy! I was in the exact same place as you about 10 months ago. I contracted genital hsv1 from oral sex and thought my life was over. I struggled with what felt like constant outbreaks, nerve pain and  achiness for about 6 months and then it started to get better to where I don’t notice it anymore. If you still have active blisters you should get them swabbed and typed. Generally they say hsv1 is less severe and that it’s very common ie transmission is less likely as a good portion of the population already has it and can’t be infected twice. I told my boyfriend at the time and he was very understanding, and still is. We had his blood tested and he has it too so we will never really know if he gave it to me or I gave it to him. Maybe that’s a way to approach it with your boyfriend? Ask if he’s had a cold sore etc and branch into the fact that’s you’ve discovered some sores you plan to get checked out. I hope you’re doing okay, I know this is a dark time but you will heal mentally and physically and be you again, don’t let this define you.

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Thank you so much for the support! I just found out that I have genital HSV-1 so I've just been coping with that. The other day I cried for about 2 hours but haven't since. My mood has been greatly improved and I'm managing to find the bright side when I can. I'm hoping that if I take better care of my body and take valtrex at the first sign of symptoms that I'll manage through this. I find that music has been really great and just generally busying my mind with activities. Unfortunately, I'm unable to work out from the discomfort I'm feeling. Can anyone please comment about how often your outbreaks are usually?

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Heyy @ritzy So I've been living with GHSV1 since last year February but wasnt diagnosed until last year August. My First outbreak was in August , went away completely in about 2 and a half weeks with the help of valcyclovir. My next OB was was 2 months after in October but it went away within a week with antivrial help .Keep in mind I was stressing myself out almost everyday and eating an inflammatory diet ( A lot of sugary drinks and processed snacks as well as dairy) Then I got another one in late december but I was soooo stressed out and depressed I wasnt surprised.

That was my last one . I changed my diet, mindset, and started working out more . I don't expect to have one ANYTIME soon . I feel great, I feel normal . Sure the sex life needs a minor adjustment but I'm in a better place mentally than I was BEFORE I got H. I believe outbreaks will be super rare if you just forgive yourself and start looking after your body. Take supplements to help your immune system, get good sleep, eat good food, and just keep learning about the human body and how to take care of it . The minute I get another OB , this whole forum will know lol. Feel free to message me or anyone else here for help! 😃 

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