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Burning and inflammation after outbreak is gone

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Hi all - does anyone get a burning sensation on the genitals even if there are no sores? My foreskin has been inflamed and there is a burning sensation almost constantly. I had a swab of the skin and nothing showed up. I also had a UTI a couple months back so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had my first outbtreak in December and it caused massive inflammation. If I touch the inflamed area at all or use mild soap on it then it swells up. The inflammation started going down only after 3 months but funny thing is that when the burning started. The area is still a different color than the rest of my penis (darker/redder). I’m worried this is virus-induced neuropathy and is permanent so any advice would be great!


I’m having the same issues of constant burning and inflammation after my first outbreak in January. There are no lesions but constant discomfort so much so I can’t even exercise or work out. I’m beginning to think I had shingles and nerve damage instead of the herpes doctors diagnosed me with. Currently on daily av but don’t want to be on this stuff for life to feel normal. Will these sensations eventually die down as your body fights the virus ? I thought herpes was supposed to be mostly asymptomatic. Any help would be appreciated. 


The burning and inflammation started after the first month when the lesions and rash were gone. I take acyclovir which helps lessen the sensations sometimes but other times it comes back especially at night. Im wondering if the av is stopping another outbreak from occurring is that why the prodrome symptoms won’t go away ? I read herpes is mostly supposed to be  asymptomatic for healthy immune systems so I’m shocked at my symptoms. I am taking l lysine and coconut oil sometimes helps with the burning. 


I’m hoping that my symptoms are from the UTI I had back in January. Even though they gave me antibiotics it might not of cleared totally. Apparently prostrate infections can give the sense of burning at the head of the penis based on other accounts. I did have intense redness and small red pimples appear at the inside of my urethra (the penis opening) after the antibiotics. I think it was bacterial because if it was herpes it would of hurt a lot when I went to the bathroom to pee and it does not at all. 

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