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So about 2 weeks ago, just a day or 2 after having sex (with a condom) I started having irritation downstairs. It had the symptoms of a yeast infection so I took over the counter meds, but that didn’t make it entirely go away. I went into the gyno and she told me it looked like yeast and gave me antifungal pills— still didn’t go away. A week later (about 3 days ago) I went back as things were getting worse not better. As soon as she looked she got a look on her face and told me it looked like herpes. Of course, I went into full breakdown. She took a swab for a viral culture and gave me all the info packets and some valtrex  and I left. The next day, she calls and tells me the viral culture came back negative, but she wants me to come in for a blood test. Went in for the blood test right away. At this point, it has been 2 days since the blood test and I still haven’t heard back. The valtrex hasn’t been helping at all and I am still in an incredible amount of pain. On top of that, I’ve been having other, new symptoms — diarrhea with mucus and blood in it, sore throat, upset stomach, etc. The anxiety is killing me... does anyone have any insight on the odds of a false negative on the viral culture ... the other symptoms, the negative result and the valtrex not doing anything all make me want to believe I have something else. Even so, the sores really do look like herpes . Please help, not knowing is killing me!


It's possible to get a false negative if the sores have already begun to heal and a proper swab can't be taken but it sounds like you got checked right away. Mine came back positive still even though my sores were a few days old. I was given acyclovir but it's effect was almost immediate. I'm inclined to think that if the antiviral isn't working then it may be something else. I hope you get answers soon!

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