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Advice please?

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Hey guys, so I contracted HSV1 genitally at the start of January, I had 2 outbreaks in 3 months.

About 4 days ago I started to get a little itchy down below, thought it may be thrush but no creams helped! Tried some lysine balm on it and low and behold it helped!! Still a little bit itchy now but it seems to be slowly going away. Also started taking a 3 day course of antivirals 2 days ago when I noticed the lysine helping.

My question is, I've never had an insane itch previously but I've heard it can be a prodrome symptom. Could it be that this is just prodrome? And if so, is it possible to not have an actual outbreak?


Thanks in advance!


Did not want to read and not respond. I am currently dealing with the itch. Thought I was getting another outbreak so I took the antivirals, turns out after finishing them the itch is still there. The itch for me is inside. REALLY hope this goes away. I will ask this question to my gyno on Monday and let you know.


Just know you are not alone with this one here. I was diagnosed beginning of March (HSV1) and nothing has been normal since.


For me personally, I get prodrome symptoms more often than I get outbreaks and it’s a great indicator on how to stop the OB from happening via antivirals (talk to your doc about valtrex if you’re interested in that!) since taking the antiviral daily since I was diagnosed some ~5 years ago I’ve had maybe a handful of actual outbreaks. Without the antivirals I honestly feel like I probably would have had a lot more. 

Also just posted this on another post about prodrome symptoms- for me personally after I contracted hsv2, genital (I had the flu-like onset, whole shebang) I also just became really sensitive to soaps, detergents, fabrics anywhere on my genital/groin region. Even my partner (who I live with) uses the same soap to aid in the sensitivity down there. Finding the most agreeable type and standardizing to all the same detergents, soaps and fabrics has helps with the prodrome symptoms a lot. Especially itchiness!! Hope this helps some. Always here for you. 

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