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Not really about herpes

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Anyone else feel real lonely? I know its not necessarily about me having hsv that makes me feel this way but it does play a part in it. I guess its because I don't have a lot of friends, they either have moved on in their lives or they're busy. Plus its hard to relate to people without herpes. And then theres the whole me not being over my ex...GD emotions...and then when I get bummed out I start putting self doubt into my head like if I'm making the right choice by going to school for something I don't have any background or prior experience in. Sorry for sounding like a sourpuss just...ugghhhh...hate feeling this way and am venting. Hope everyone else is having a good day or things are going well for them in general. =)

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I totally know how you feel!! I was talking to some friends about something similar the other day. It's like I'm happy for all of my friends who are getting married, starting families, etc. But all I think to myself as I'm congratulating them is "I'll never have that." So, I throw all of my energy into my career, because that's the one thing I feel like I can control. But somehow, having herpes has shattered my already fragile self-confidence; so I doubt my hard work and convince myself that I'm never going to be at the same level as anyone else. Having herpes only plays a small part in it from day to day; but I think it's the major event that propelled my sense of self-doubt. It's sad, really, because one should never give a subtle virus that much power; but sometimes we can't help ourselves. Hope you come out of your rut!!

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Hi! I know exactly how you feel. I have felt lonely for a long time. Since I have had my child, single friends stopped calling, and the rest of my friends are married with children of their own. I have joined yet another dating website hoping to find a guy to relate to, just a new FRIEND would be welcomed at this point. I have a wonderful family and am really blessed in so many aspects of my life, I feel worse for complaining. Herpes doesn't even get me down anymore... I think to myself, "who cares if I have herpes, who doesn't?" Then I chuckle and get back to wondering why I feel alone. As for school, there is nothing wrong with you pursuing your higher education. If it is a goal you want to obtain through hard work and dedication, more power to you!! Hope you feel better soon. Abbyroad78

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