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Disclosing success!! 22F gHSV1

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Welp, I disclosed tonight for the first time. I’m 22 with gHSV1 and this is my first legitimate boyfriend (got HSV1 the first time I received oral sex from a guy). I have been dating this boy for over a month now and anxiety started to come over me every time we hung out because I knew the day would come that I would have to disclose. We had only ever made out so in that way, timing was perfect, but he had already spent so much time (and money) on me, that I felt guilty disclosing at a later time (even to the point that I was going to break up with him instead). But, I decided to stick it out because I realized how similar he and I were and we really do have a connection and he is so kind and a real gentleman (surprisingly, he’s 22 as well). I told him that I was diagnosed with HSV1, the virus that causes cold sores, but was passed it through oral sex. I gave him the stats, what he can do to protect himself, and general info. He told me that didn’t deter him at all, he asked some questions and then I mentioned the word herpes, and I realized he didn’t know cold sores and herpes were the same thing, so I told him cold sores were herpes (because I don’t think he realized at first I had genital herpes, not just genital cold sores lol) but he said he was still going to accept me no matter what, even if he did do more research, which I asked him to do. Also asked him to get tested, so hopefully he does that soon. I mean, I’m glad he accepted me and I do hope that his mind doesn’t change after his research, but only time will tell. 

Wow I’m so shocked. This guy is SUPER into health, he runs marathons, barely eats processed food, I for sure thought he wouldn’t want a virus to potentially influence his health. I also told him I’d rather wait till my 1 year mark and he was completely accepting of that, what a great guy, guess they do exist. 

(I’ll keep y’all updated on this) 

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Also, he thanked me for telling him because I could have easily just not (and he’s so right, my mom even told me not to disclose, but I’m glad I did :), gotta start relationships with trust) 

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  • 1 month later...

What a fabulous success! I am not surprised that a health conscious individual like him would be cool with this, people who are proactive and smart about their health are also pretty knowledgeable in general. Sounds like a great match!! And I agree with you, starting any relationship with honesty is the best bet, and as a bonus it highlights how TRULY AWESOME you are, so how could they not want you?? You rock, girl!

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