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Herpes from beard shavings

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I feel this is such a oddly specific question but seeing as herpes can spread from sore spots to the eyes, can you get it if beard trimmings that were covering a sore fly into your eye? I have a tiny outbreak on my lips but when I was using a beard trimmer some of the hairs flew into my eye. Could this be an issue? Can hairs have herpes on them simialr to how you can get it on your fingers after touching them?

SOrry if this is a dumb question


No dumb questions, my friend. 😉 Was your outbreak weeping/oozing at all? I suppose there's a small chance that a beard trimming might happen to have some of the liquid that's inside of the sore on it, but the chain of events that would need to happen in order for enough virus to be transferred is unlikely. If it wasn't weeping or oozing, then it's very unlikely that enough of the virus would be able to get onto a hair to make the transfer. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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