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Safer sex

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Basically my question is if i touch my genitals and then grab his neck and scratch his arm and back while intercourse will he catch herpes on his arm, back or neck? I dont always realize during sex that im actually scratching him...


I'm hsv positive and my partner is hsvneg. How can i have safer sex and lowering my chances of transmitting hsv to my partner?

We use condoms and i take a generic of valacyclovir daily. I've had herpes for 3 years now. Usually appear around the same area on my genitals. 

I'm wondering if people take other precautions? Like do you not touch the area while having sex like it was god dam leprosy? Do you make him wear a boxer? (Honestly dont think we'll do the boxer thing though). I don't understand how theres more chances for a women to catch herpes than a man when the women's genital is not covered while having sex while the male's genital is. I find it really hard to have sex without us touching my genitals in some way during intercourse. I make him wash his body afterwards if we did happen to touch by mistake. But i mean i like it rough so i scratch him sometimes after touching my genitals not long before and we put our hands on each other everywhere during sex so i find we are not being safe at all. But i dont want it to become unatural either. 


Do people, who HASNT transmitted it, actually not touch the genital area of the hsv positive partner while having sex? Or am i just being overly paranoiac?

If i ever transmit hsv to him, especially on odd places like neck, cheek, arms or back, i will probably kill myself. 


Hi Lali88

I'm assuming you are talking about having sex when you have not got an outbreak going on!

If I've assumed right & as you are taking a suppressant,  I would say touch/be touched as much as you want.

In theory If you had an OB at the time, I think its a possibility if you touched the affected area then scratched someone, to infect them
but if not on an OB, & on your meds, it is incredibly low, I would guess under 1%.

I get that people get paranoid, you want to protect your partner, that's a good thing 👍

Good luck, have fun


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