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Posts posted by son322don

  1. the right guy will not care! Herpes has been a blessing for me, as it has helped me realize the idiots early on in a relationship. If someone doesnt even give you a chance because of a skin condition, than you can and will find someone else you are really meant to be with!! dont consider herpes a "disease". that is an ugly word. i just consider right alongside my eczema, allergies, etc. As long as you are informing your partners, the right guy wont even bat an eye. believe me, after having it for only 2 months i found someone so completely accepting and it has done miracles for self esteem. i hope you can see its not the end!!

  2. i agree, disclosing in person is more ideal and allows both of you to ask and answer questions with complete honesty. Body language is a key indicator of one's true emotions and both of you will want to see those.

    i was diagnosed a month ago as well and had always had trouble with how i used my body to feel wanted, so i really felt a connection reading this. since diagnosis i have felt very uncomfortable letting people touch me if i wasn't already close to them, in any way.

    This guy will probably think this diagnosis means nothing to your relationship. Those that really care will research and educate themselves as well, and realize H really is just a skin condition, like any other skin issue. Sounds like distance is a bigger deal breaker than H, and you both have pretty much conquered that. good luck with everything but definitely let him know when hes back in town. Maybe print off the pamphlets they have on here of facts and give him the info when you tell him. Allow him to have some time to let it sink in before any big decision are made as well!

    you deserve to be loved!


  3. Following my diagnosis and initial painful outbreak accompanied by a week of flu like symptoms i was ready to accept a life plagued with herpes. I was sleeping most of the day, ignoring the things i needed to accomplish. The guy i had recently started dating before my diagnosis was afraid to touch my genitals in any way. I felt inadequate and lost my insatiable, incredible sex drive for weeks. It was a mutual decision to become just friends with the guy i mentioned, because his rare germophobic personality couldn't handle sexual relations anymore.

    This left more "me" time in my life. I was more motivated than ever to complete my study abroad application, i picked up the novel i began back in february, and i started hitting the gym again for 2 hours at a time. I am now taking vitamin C, lysine, and acyclovir daily. I was only diagnosed a month and a half ago and i already feel like a better me. I no longer look at guys as sexual objects and i have no desire to simply hookup...a nasty habit of mine prior to my diagnosis. Ironically i was diagnosed with HSV1 and believe it was from someones mouth i had been seeing.

    I have matured more in these past few weeks than i ever thought imaginable. I feel like i have this insight that many my age do not possess yet. I am so thankful for my diagnosis, because it changed me into the respectable person i realize i am capable of. At age 21, i am not going to let a skin condition rule my life, nor my relationships. The right person will realize it IS only a skin condition. Anyways, i have realized i am way too young to care about a serious relationship. I have so many goals and aspirations i can accomplish to their fullest when i am devoting my time to ME.

    All of you 20-somethings out there who have been diagnosed, take this as a sign that your life is ready for change. You can be anyone you want. and you CAN fly off to New Zealand to study for a whole semester your senior year of college.



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