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Posts posted by MdV123

  1. @RegularGuy. Thanks so much! And I did take my profile down for now. It’s a strange thing how something which affects me physically so little has made such a huge emotional and psychological impact. But at the end of the day I have got to get a grip. Our brave soldiers come home mangled and missing limbs and I’m going to sit here and feel sorry for myself over a hidden virus that I don’t even have symptoms from? (My heartfelt sympathy to those who do suffer. My HSV1 hurts like hell when I have an OB) I think not!! If they can carry on with missing limbs I can carry on with this. I appreciate your response and I am certainly going to take some time to regain my sense of self. Much love to all here who lift everyone up during a difficult time in life. You all make a difference!

  2. How can I know if I'm having an outbreak? Mine are mild so far. And I think every tingle and discomfort is an outbreak. How can I protect someone if I don't know I'm having an outbreak? So far, I THINK mine have felt like yeast infections. When I had one, before diagnosis, I used Monistat and they went away. So maybe it was a yeast infection? IDK. This is all so confusing. I was diagnosed about a month ago and I don't know yet how to take care of this. Thank you so much for your time.



  3. I have used an online dating website for a while now. I have enjoyed being on there. Now that I have been diagnosed with HSV2, I feel like a fraud for starting a new relationship. Starting a new real used to be filled with fun and hope. Now I feel like I’m running a con. Can anyone share their experience with this. It is really depressing.

  4. Could someone shed some light on my feelings about the same situation? I feel like I am crazy because I am not angry at the person who I am pretty sure gave me this. And I feel pretty sure he knew he had it. However, 1) he offered to use a condom and I said it wasn’t necessary?! What? But he is a wealthy man who had been married for 33 years and people like that don’t have STI’s! Right? Anyway...stupid assumption. Now I know better. 2). If he did know and went ahead anyway, then he just did what I was so sorely tempted to do....not disclose because my symptoms are minor and transmission rates are low and I didn’t know I had it. Blah blah blah. In other words I understand his temptation and reasoning.


    I am still friends with this person and he got tested and it came back positive for HSV2. Am I crazy for not hating this person? What is wrong with me?

  5. You NEVER NEVER know what the future holds. Anything can happen. You might meet the man of your dreams one day who has HSV also! Life turns on a dime. For the bad AND for the good! You ARE going to be okay. The new you has to be smarter about her choices. That’s what learning is all about. When you know better you do better. Now you know better. Protect yourself. There are worse things out there than HSV! A lot worse.

  6. How old are you? I had to do a disclosure last night to a man I care about. I used this article which I thought was really good....informative but not scary.



    Are you male or female? You should NEVER want to die. You are here for a reason. So many people with a much larger cross to bear than ours find reason to go on living or to fight to live. Children with terminal diseases, burn victims, etc. You have to DECIDE that you are going to pursue happiness. It is a choice completely independent of your circumstances. Get up and go find someone to help. Disclose fearlessly. If they don’t like it that’s their loss. Contracting herpes has helped me to focus on these very things. Good luck to you!

  7. This is my very first post. I have had HSV1 nearly my whole life so oral herpes is something I am unfortunately intimately and very painfully acquainted with. And after hating it my whole life who knew that one day I might be thankful?! Because last week I was diagnosed with HSV2! Does everyone have the feeling like the camera just zeroed in on you when the doctor says those words?! LOL I spent the next 24 hours rationalizing how I wouldn't tell anyone... not even my casual partner whom I would love to make less casual eventually! After all, I just happened to be in the doctors office for something else when he saw it. I had no idea I had it why does anyone need to know?! The fine people here convinced me otherwise...and disclosure IS the best policy since not disclosing would be a lie and would just be living in denial. Not a good way to live.


    I think I know who gave me this...and I think he knew he had it...and I forgive him for it. Why? Because I myself spent 24 hours trying to sincerely convince myself that it would be okay not to disclose. He was just successful. If I wasn't having an outbreak then they probably wouldn't get it. Why should I mark myself?!


    And...I was headed down the wrong road. I feel this was God's way of saying listen up Lady...you are doing things that are dangerous to yourself...physically, mentally and emotionally...Check Yourself! Now, I have to slow down and consider the choices I am making. I have a built in mechanism to weed out people who don't REALLY want to be with ME! I haven't been good at that in my life. Not at all.


    I have made two disclosures to past FWBs who are now just Fs. And one disclosure to the guy I am interested in. He laughed! I sent him a great little article that spells out the need to knows without getting gory. It was everything he needed to know as far as he was concerned. (I hope it stays that way and he stays away from the Google pictures!)


    Thank you to everyone here who has made the past few days bearable. I have cried just about every waking hour for at least a few minutes or so but I have come here for support many times already. THANK YOU to everyone here who posts such loving, accepting and supportive messages. You are doing a great service for alot of down and depressed people. What a wonderful thing!

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