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Posts posted by fg2

  1. So I'm recently coming to terms with my condition and its symptoms, pretty awful so far but I'm sure I'll get over it. I was really looking for some answers. I spoke to my sexual health Dr here in the UK and the director of a well known Herpes charity here in the UK about transmission rates with condoms.


    I've only really had one noticeable lesion on my penis (only OB that I know of) and some tingling in that region and legs. The placement of that lesion is on the very end of my foreskin, just before the head. I've been told by both that Director and my GP that Condoms offer 100% protection due to the placement of my outbreak (assuming there is no genital contact without one) as there is no way for the virus to be transmitted through a condom. I was told that all the studies done online are normally averages, therefore not hugely applicable to every individual regarding the placement of the lesion etc. I know that there is still a risk of the condom breaking and transmission through that way, but that seems unlikely.


    I would like to think about dating again and will always disclose, but don't want to quote numbers which seem like I'm lying when quoted against the internet, and I understand that there is always going to be a risk involved.


    This forum has really helped me come to terms with my situation, and was really just looking for some answers.

  2. I currently haven't been diagnosed with genital Herpes although I'm almost certain that I do. Six weeks after unprotected sex with a female I experienced some pain whilst peeing and yellow discharge. I went to the clinic and was tested to which the results for you routine tests were negative. Following that I developed a cold sore on my chin (I'd never had one before) so visited my GP and was immediately put on Acyclovir, i never had an outbreak but tingling on the tip of my penis.


    Fast forward a month and I'd thought little of it, until I had a small ulcer develop on the tip of my penis, it was very small in size and has disappeared within 5 days, I did get it swabbed so waiting for the results of that test. I can handle having herpes but what I cant handle is the pain I'm currently having.


    3 days after the ulcer formed I experienced some pain in the back of my left calf, almost like a sunburn pain. This has then spread to my testicles which is causing a severe numbing pain which is pretty unbearable. I've read up on Post Herpetic Neuralgia and seen that it can take months to years to get rid of. I can't imagine living my life with this pain and I just can't seem to function or continue at the moment. It's been about two days since having it.


    - My question really is has anyone had experience in post herpetic neuralgia

    - If so how long did it take to disappear?


    The pain is awful and reading that nothing can really be done to address it is heartbreaking for me at the moment.


    I need some help

  3. Hi SPATX919,


    Thanks very much for your reply, I've kind of come to terms with it slightly as in it's been in the back of my mind for the last month. I just didn't realise I'd have to deal with this so soon again. My symptoms really point to nothing but herpes, considering I'd been fully std tested and all came back negative. It really is tough, I wouldn't wish this upon anyone but also understand that it will improve over time (funnily, I can already feel i

    I've been through a few of the five stages of grief just in the last month).


    The biggest part that is troubling me is disclosing to partners, finding a partner is hard enough without having a for-life infection. I'm just finding it all so overwhelming

  4. Hi,



    I'm pretty certain I have herpes but I'm still waiting for the results, I've searched the website but can't really find much in the way of stories from men so could really do with some advice. In early February I slept with a girl that I was dating (we actually broke up a week later due to unrelated issues), however six weeks after sexual contact with her I started to have some difficulty peeing. Following that symptom I developed a coldsore on my chin although very mild I immediately suspected herpes (having never had a cold sore before). I visited my GP (I'm in the UK) and she told me that to get on a course of acyclovir straight away which i did and no symptoms showed up on my genitals, however upon completion of the course i did get ill for five days and experienced some tingling on my penis. I visited my local GUM clinic and they took a swab from a site that I thought was feeling particularly sensitive which came back negative. Fast forward a month i had kinda forgotten about the whole thing, however after a week of poor sleep i developed a very small ulcer on the tip of my foreskin which has been completely painless, I wouldn't really know it was there if I wasn't so diligent. I ordered a home swab test to which I have sent off and I'm currently waiting for the results but I'm terrified of the results



    I feel pretty upset and honestly, if the breakouts are like this I can get by with it. Admittedly, its the social aspect of it which is terrifying me, I'm 22 and beginning that stage where I would like to start dating seriously however I feel like this has completely torn my chances apart of having a normal dating life. I haven't told anyone about this and if I'm honest I don't plan on telling anyone (I've always kept things close to my chest), however I understand 100% that if i do have this, I need to disclose it to potential partners. I was really just looking for a male perspective (and any perspective) on this start to a new life with herpes.


    At the moment, I really have little knowledge about it and have found some solace in the forums, my mind is also racing about which strain of the virus that I have


    I know that HSV1 is the strain that would normally cause a cold sore on my chin but I'm still unsure if its HSV2. What I'm guessing is my second outbreak also came after a month of my primary OB so I feel that would point towards HSV2 and I'm just so confused.


    I can barely eat, sleep or think which makes it all the more difficult when I have exams starting in two and a half weeks. I'm trying to put this all on pause but I'm struggling hugely.


    Please help

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