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Posts posted by Kiwi91

  1. Im currently going through the same situation. Its so tough that I decided it would be better to just be friends. But he doesnt want to lose everything with me and said the only way he sees it working is to have a non sex relationship until he is ready. But I feel that if I went with that decision I risk he would never deal with the stress of it and accept that its a small risk and eventually it would tear us apart. Or i could try and it maybe work. But so hard to know. So confusing as you have no control over the fact we have herpes. I also don't want to feel as if im a ticking bomb and him thinking everytime we have sex he will get it.

  2. Been with a guy for a few months now. Everything is amazing. Disclosed at the start and he even spoke to a dr about the risks. Had sex a few times, and now couple months later he's says its giving him too much anxiety to continue having sex again as the relationship is still new. And he is also worried if he was to contract it he would never find someone else. However doesn't want this to end the relationship and wants to give it time to grow. He shows he really cares and wants to try but I'm afraid it will be a long wait. Any one with similar experiences and success???

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