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Posts posted by july2017

  1. I'm going through the exact same thing! I have been having outbreaks practically constantly for a year now, only having about 2 weeks of no pain. Nothing is working and it seems the doctors have no other options. I've been on supression for 3/4 months now and I'm still getting flare ups. I do think I also have an immune problem and I have had various problems with my digestive system in the past. :( I feel your pain

  2. I got diagnosed in July 2017 which was devastating and a massive shock for me.


    Since I got diagnosed, I have had frequent outbreaks. When I got diagnosed, I started aciclovir for a week and it seemed to clear up for a couple of weeks but since then I have been on and off for months.

    One week I will be fine then the next I will have another outbreak.


    I started suppression therapy around January/February time, hoping that it would solve my problems but it hasn't. I woke up last week with the worst pain down there and today I have new sores and I am in agony. Has anyone else had problems with suppression where it isn't working because I seem to be the only one? Everytime I have a flare up, I go really depressed because it has been almost a year now and nothing has really been solved for me. I now can't see a doctor until next week but each time I go, they don't seem to have a solution for me.


    Another problem I used to have was nerve pain in my legs and feet. I used to experience like a sun burn/ 'shingle' like sensation on my toes and feet which would gradually move up to my leg to my groin and stomach and whenever I got this pain, the next day I would have a flare up. When I went to the GP and STI clinic (multiple times), all doctors have said they have never heard of this before but I know that it is connected to my herpes as I never experienced it before hand and it only happens when I get an outbreak. Does anyone else experience this?


    Just hoping that there are other people out there that are experiencing similar problems and I hope I haven't become immune to medication.


    Also; I have been tested for every STI and infection 4 times since being diagnosed (and frequently before that) just to make sure that I have nothing else so I do not have any other underlying STI. I have also been checked for B12, gluten, liver function etc in regards to the burning sensation and all of my results were negative for any problems.


    For me, this is the most frustrating and challenging thing I've ever had to go through. I have had multiple sexual partners and practised safe sex and the one time that a partner didn't wear protection, I got herpes. Fed up :(

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