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Posts posted by Happen2me

  1. I'm educating myself about this rash and it truthful it's nerve wracking. I know I will get over having it but for now I'm still freaking out over it. My husband got his test results back and he is negative so now it is very weird between us. All that he allow me to do is oral in which I'm over that now! So now I feel like divorce in will come up soon. I've tried talking to him about it but he never want to to talk about it. So yes this sucks big time, he said we have to be careful and no matter what he will be here for me even if we are not together. So I asked him for a divorce and he said we will talk about it later. He isn't very fund of wearing a condom, I told him in 3 months he need to get retested and that turned into an argument. I'm sure I've been living with this for a few years and haven't had an ON yet so I'm totally confused about it all.

  2. Thanks so much for replying back. Do you have any suggestions for a good website so I can educate myself and my husband. Cause we don't talk about it all, and that isn't helping either. I know once one day I will be able to accept this and move on from it. Just so shocking to me

  3. Last month I tested positive for hsv2, I'm having a really hard time dealing with this. I've been married for almost 15 years and have 2 beautiful kids. I got tested because I had a yeast infection I went and brought the over counter stuff and it didn't seem to be working. So I made a doctor appointment. By the time I seen the doctor it was gone but she checked me out anyway and she pressed on my stomach close to my right ovary and it was pain. So she suggest I get a STD test done. I agreed to it, cause I figured what the hell, no biggie. Well I was so wrong it came back positive for hsv2. I told my husband and I had to be honest with him. I haven't cheated, all I could think of was that I was raped 4 years ago and I didn't tell anyone. I know I should've but I was ashamed for whatever reason so I dealt with on my own. It wasn't the 1st time I was raped and I dealt with it on my own. So I felt like I could do again. Of course I know I can't and I'm not the one to really open up about personal things about myself. Now not only do I have to deal with having this STD, I have to deal with my raps as well. And it hard as hell, I haven't had an outbreak. My husband I don't know what is going on with him because it's been a month and he still haven't want and got tested. I don't want him to have it, of course, he told me that he will stick by me. But now I noticed change in him. Of course we haven't been sexually active, he doesn't drink behind me. He don't touch me and I feel like crap. I feel nasty and dirty all the time any little itch down below, a pain or anything I'm freaking. But I'm freaking out alone. I don't allow my kids to eat or drink behind me anymore. I don't have oral herpes. I tried explaining that to my husband but I can see that he is uncomfortable when the kids grab my drink. It makes me feel like the worse mother in the world. I did tell my sister only because the day after my results I had a break down and I couldn't stop crying so my daughter called her. My sister called my husband so he convinced me to tell her. Then to my surprise she told me that she and her husband have it. And it make me feel

    2% better. I don't want this thing to take over my life but it is. I snap on my family cause I'm so pissed that this happened to me. I know it's not there fault but I just want my life back. I feel stuck, like I don't know who the hell I am anymore. I might eat one meal a day, my daughter has notices a big change in me. And that kills me she graduates in 2 weeks and I'm a total mess! I'm letting myself go, I know I am and I don't even care. Since the 2nd rap I've gained so much weight, now I'm starting to lose the weight because I'm so stressed out about about this.

    Like I stated before I've never had an outbreak, just a yeast infection maybe 1 every other year. Never seen a blister or open sore down below. So I really don't know what to expect when I do have one. My doctor said I will know because I will burn like crazy, I've freaked myself out because I look at those horrible pictures online, that was a mistake for sure. I did talk to my doctor about it and it helped a little but not much. I just need serious help dealing with all of this cause it's to much for me to bare. I feel so alone and my mind is always racing about it to were some nights I don't sleep. I honestly don't feel comfortable in my own skin anymore. I just want to be happy again and not just going through the motions and fake having fun with my life. I've read so many articles about this and I just don't see how I'm going to be happy ever again.


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