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Posts posted by Citygirl99

  1. I have had a similar experience! Don’t worry though! I got it young as well, all though the world may feel totally over it isn’t. At first it really really sucks, but as time goes on you realize it isn’t a big deal at all and this STI does basically nothing. I’d say just to know your stuff, when hooking up with someone  make sure to tell them, and just don’t let the BS phase you. It’s annoying but if someone really likes you they can see past it and realize it’s so minor and really isn’t a big deal!! 

  2. Hi all! I have been feeling a bit down lately as no men I have been with have accepted my herpes diagnosis. I have type 1 genital herpes and take medication, meaning with a condom chances are only 1% (which I think is darn good!), however, no man I have seen believe this. Most find the 1% too high. I have recently been seeing someone for the past 5 months and we both have deep feelings, however, he is still afraid to have sex because he fears he may contract the virus. He allows me to perform oral sex however he will not perform it on me. We both are perfect for eachother but I feel as if it my fault (even though it isn’t) that we cannot have sex. I mean we can have sex, but I do not believe he is willing to take the risk. I am unsure as to what to do as we both have extremely strong feelings and he is perfect otherwise. I also find it hard as there is not much research on type one genital herpes which makes it difficult to come up with concrete statistics.


    Overall I adore him but I feel Hurt that he does not want to have sex as the chances are so small.



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