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Posts posted by maplemaple

  1. I got to see my GP about a week ago and I got him to prescribe me acyclovir as a suppressive therapy treatment for me.

    actually talking to him made me feel a little better about the whole thing. 

    But ive been taking the acyclovir now three times a day and I’m supposed to continue it for about 6 months to help my body create antibodies (or so my doctor said.)

    so far the treatment seemed to be working but now I believe I am experiencing prodrome symptoms and I’m feeling disappointed that I’m feeling this so early into the treatment. Especially since I seem to get sores inside my vagina and also on my clitoris which is extremely  uncomfortable...

    i just want to be feeling normal again but it feels like every time I’ve made peace with this something else happens. I thought the suppressive would help me. Idk what to do now. I’ll keep with it just in case but idk, I’m feeling down

  2. I was just talking to my mum earlier about how I was feeling better about my diagnosis because I (thought) I hadn’t experienced any OBs after one (or two, or three????) that wouldn’t go away. I was telling her that I was even on my last day of my period and it didn’t seem to trigger an OB and I was so happy to think that maybe, just maybe, I’d be one of those lucky people that doesn’t get many outbreaks!


    But I guess I spoke to seen because I was feeling a little off downstairs and I looked and a cluster of tiny sores on my clitoris, arguably the most painful place to have them...


    I just feel defeated. It feels like I have never ending symptoms and I’m hoping and praying it’s just my body adjusting. I’d give anything to be one of those people that get a breakout once and then never see one again. I don’t want to have to be on medications for the rest of my life, my liver is already damaged as it is...I don’t want this. I just want to feel normal again.


    I was hoping to see the person I THINK I contracted it from because I really like them but now idek if I’m gonna feel like fooling around with them if this is another OB. I don’t even wanna think about the potential of me being someone who gets triggered by sex, or stress, or the sun, or my period, etc etc etc....like, what if it’s all of the above?


    I was diagnosed with HSV1 genitally about a month ago. I’ve read online too that HSV1 tends to be the strain that appears less regularly than HSV2?? Idk at this point I just want a little bit of sun to peak through the clouds. I want my privates to feel normal again and I wanna be able to have sex whenever I want again....



  3. I believe I was exposed to the virus about three weeks ago today, but I still have bumps. Light itching but no pain really. I’ve been taking acyclovir but I’m thinking maybe I should go back to the doctor and get prescribed something else.


    Is it normal to have a first or second outbreak to last this long? I’m really anxious to have it cleared up so I can get “busy” again

  4. @depressedhippo

    Thank you for the comment! I’ve been using tampons thus far and except for a little itchiness and dryness I haven’t really noticed anything bad. Maybe during an active OB I’ll feel otherwise.


    Do you know if heavier bleeding is a thing with HSV and herpes? I noticed my period is much heavier than usual and was curious if it’s a common thing with this

  5. @RegularGuy

    I guess at this point if the virus did spread to the piercing that’s kinda that. I MEAN i hope it didn’t but I guess I’ll see when I get my next outbreak...


    I also guess that a lot of my fears are just things I’ll have to figure out as the years go by...

  6. I got my culture swab results today and it turns out I have HSV1. I also started my period and I have no idea if the OB has healed or not. Kinda afraid to check. I’ve been using tampons and idk if I’ve felt any discomfort, maybe I have idk all I know is I’m pretty sure I get them on my cervix anyway because the initial OB gave me abnormal discharge too.


    At this point I’ve accepted it but I’m a little confused on what to do next.

    I was almost hoping that it’s was going to be a HSV2 diagnoses because I’m terrified of getting cold sores (I’ve never had one around my mouth in my entire life) and I’m freaked out that oral sex is gonna be a no go for me from now on.


    I’m also concerned that I might’ve contracted the virus in my nipple because I have a piercing there...I got a nasty infection around the same time as I had the OB along with a little bump that has since cleared up but the piercing is still a little crusty.


    I’m scared that the OBs are going to be frequent and that I’m going’s to get them every time my period comes, or after every time I have sex or just be an overall problem over the next few months with tons of OBs. I was really hoping on a HSV2 diagnoses with only one outbreak...


    I figure the first outbreak could’ve been worse. I didn’t have any discomfort while urinating but I did have a bump on my clitoris which was some of the most annoying pain I’ve ever felt. Idk if my body is good at ridding itself of the virus or if the acyclovir has anything to do with the fast clear up but idk just so so so many questions and variables and such swimming around my head...


    Edit: also will the HSV1 virus spread? Am I doomed to be getting cold sores along my mouth too?

  7. I’m still waiting on culture swab results, but the past week or so I’ve been dealing with what is very very obviously a herpes outbreak. I’ve been a little depressed about it but I’m taking it one day at a time, acyclovir three times a day.


    I’m about to get my period in a few days and I’m a little concerned about dealing with that along with this whole thing and I’m curious about how others go about it.


    I’m kinda terrified of touching the affected areas themselves (I’ve been washing my bits with latex gloves on) and I’m concerned as well that tampons will cause dryness and make the sores worse. I don’t believe I have any in my vagina, but I’m not entirely sure.


    I also prefer using a menstrual cup when I can AND I have read that some people prefer using a cup with herpes, but again, I’m terrified of touching the affected areas.


    Any advice or pass-onable wisdom would be much appreciated~

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