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Posts posted by Rin

  1. Anyone in PA? I go to a Catholic University so I don't really talk to anyone about it here. Too much judgment and Catholic guilt. 21 f. Would like a buddy because as far as I know, none of my friends have it or if they do, none of them have told me. It would just be cool to talk to someone who can relate. I am an artist and I am super creative. I definitely have a big personality. HMU.

  2. I was texting this guy who was interested in me. I am a senior in college and he lives 16 hours from where my school is (30 mins from my hometown). I had "the talk" with him and I told him what was up with the Hsv2 and all and he was like well I'll definitely still fuck you over Christmas break. I was like well I want someone to love me, not fuck me. Obviously I've had sex before. He said the whole herpes thing kind of put him off of the idea of ever having feelings for me. Like are you kidding me??? You would have sex with me even tho I have herpes, but you wouldn't even toy around with the idea of liking me? People are so ass backwards.

  3. I don't know who I got herpes (type2) from or when exactly to be honest. My outbreak was so extremely mild that I thought it was just chafing. I am a senior in college and haven't had a boyfriend since the 11th grade. I have however had multiple partners throughout the last 6 years. Lets face it...it's college, right?

    I don't want to have to give that exact explanation to a guy when I say hey I have herpes. Lots of other people have gotten it from a long term partner. I got it from...well who knows where. I already had enough self esteem issues from not having a bf for almost 6 years so I am sure this isn't going to help that situation....Is it better to use a herpes dating site or just date like normal? My friend who is a physicians assistant told me that I can just have sex with whoever I want and it should be fine if he uses a condom. Part of me wants to do that because I love sex. But the other part of me remembers crying a week ago when I found out I have hsv2. Its really bothering me right now too because I have 3 female housemates and 2 of them have been having sex non stop (like every night and non discretely) and it just doesn't seem fair. I am so confused.

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