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Posts posted by LifeAsLiz0345

  1. I am female and I’m not sure which strain I have, but I have a feeling it is 1. I’ve only had one outbreak that was visible, but I have constant symptoms. I had that cold/ flu for like a month straight .... twice. It’s miserable. I had a lot of phlegm in my throat and Mucinex did help. I think when you take the cold medicine, your body isn’t straining to fight a cold AND herpes, so it can better fight the herpes.


    This may sound trite, but I read somewhere to eat fresh pineapple, and that is the only thing that has made those symptoms subside for the past week. If you Google “best supplements for herpes “ you’ll find a lot that work for other people but I haven’t had much luck with them. Changing my diet and everything has been best for me, even though I’m basically still sucks. Give up coffee, fake sugar, nuts, chocolate, carbs

  2. NOT ONE SOUL knows I have HSV, not even the POS who infected me. Just you.


    Broke up with my bf June '17. Infected Oct '17 via date rape by a "close friend" (famous athlete, considering lawsuit). Had a horrific month-long OB. Never formally diagnosed. Was able to find Valtrex. Read EVERY Blog, bought every vitamin, tried every home remedy. After initial OB, I felt normal for a few weeks.


    Dec-Feb, frequent prodrome, easily cured with 500mg val. Symptoms worsened & became resistant to antivirals. The entire month of march & much of April was unbearable.


    Mid April did elimination diet (arginine, coffee, fake sugar etc). I FELT AMAZING. For 3 weeks. then BAM. I had severe herpes flu and constant tingling AGAIN the ENTIRE month of may into June - same diet. No extra stress, I sleep well, I take EVERY suggested supplement. WORST month of my life.


    June 6, 2018: Symptoms RAGING. I read to eat fresh pineapple. Bought a damn pineapple. The shit WORKS. 90+% symptom free eating it daily, WOOHOO!!


    Anyway, TONIGHT: I haven't dated/had sex since infection. I felt so NORMAL the past week that I finally agreed to link up with my exBF for a date. It felt sooooo good! im not ready to disclose so didn't plan to have sex anyway, but I had a few sips of ONE FCKNG DRINK and TINGLING!!!! I WANTED TO BURST INTO TEARS RIGHT THERE. I don't know how ppl live with this virus!


    I came home, ate a shitload of pineapple, & logged on here to finally tell my story. I guess I just really need moral support, as I've literally no-one else to talk to. Hopefully SOMEONE cared enough to read my long winded ass post!



    side notes:

    * Female, 32

    ** Until now, I thought I had NO OB since infection. Now I think I may have a CONSTANT but visibly VERY minor OB. Maybe just Fordyce spots but who knows.

    *** Diet soda or ANYTHING with fake sugar is serious trigger for me. giving it up helped dramatically. if applicable, try it.

    **** As I type this, the tingles are long gone. Pineapple is my savior.

    ***** I RARELY take medication, want to build antibodies. Only when the prodrome drives me nuts. I estimate 20-25 1000mg valtrex taken since infection (usually taken in half). never tried it constantly, maybe 4/5 consecutive days but when there was 0 relief, gave it up so as not to deplete my stash.

    ****** If you're going to suggest a vitamin or supplement be my guest, but chances are, I've been taking it for months already

    *******Not sure If I have HSV1 or 2 until I finally get tested officially (NOT MENTALLY READY), but there was oral and genital sex, and I realized after infection that I've def seen that POS with a cold sore on his lips before. HOPING it's 1. knowing him, its both. FML

    ********IF anyone cares, I will discuss why I haven't told my infector yet and possible lawsuit. just ask


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