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Posts posted by lilsmalls

  1. Hi guys! My first ever HSV-2 outbreak just ended after two long, painful, and stressful weeks. It looks like nothing ever happened down there now, but I’m SO ITCHY! Is this normal, could it be caused by my herpes? How can I make it stop if so?

  2. I’m currently at the end of my first outbreak, so I can’t say if mine will look different every time, but what I DO know is this current outbreak I’m having looks like I got cuts from a razor around my vulva. My doctor only tested me for herpes because the cuts hurt so bad, but she was sure it wasn’t herpes because I have no sores. What I say is there’s no use dwelling on what it may or may not have been, I think it’s better to focus on what it is now and start your journey to being healthy(:

  3. Hey everyone! I am 19 years old and I was just diagnosed with HSV-2 two days ago. I’m not sure how this happened. I’m always safe and I’ve been with the same person for five months now. We spend all of our time together so there’s no way he picked it up from someone and passed it on. This first outbreak has been awful, I’ve been nauseous, I had a fever for days, every time I would break it it would come back. I was on my period as well and discovered that using a tampon is near impossible. I told my boyfriend and he doesn’t mind at all, we’re just going to be extra safe. I’m terrified even though I have all the support in the world. I’m young, people my age don’t understand. I didn’t understand it before I was tested. I just need some hope that things will be okay. How long is it going to take for me to come to terms with my diagnosis?

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