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Posts posted by MrJ

  1. I know how you feel. I've had hsv2 for 4 years and have been single for 2. Since I don't get OB's very often it doesn't really bother me, but I haven't been able to disclose to anyone. I don't want to date because I'll just be thinking of how I'm going to start that conversation. Im not sure I want to risk spreading even if they were ok with it. 

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  2. Hey everyone, I'm new to the site but was diagnosed with hsv2 about 4 years ago. I like this idea of a (h) buddy and could use someone to talk to. If you want to chat pm me. I can listen, talk or just sit and have a coffee or something. I'm 37 male in the dfw area. Age and gender don't matter to me, it's just nice to talk to someone.

  3. Hi txgal, I'm new to the forums but I've had hsv2 for about 4 years. First, all of the emotions your going through are normal. We've all felt or still feel anger, shame, guilt and so many others it's like a roller coaster. Your first OB will be the worst. Not only are you dealing with the emotional aspect but the physical pain and discomfort are unbearable. My first OB was similar. It started with burning and itching. Then I had a fever and flu like symptoms and I noticed the blisters. That lasted a couple days and then blisters popped. That was the most painful part because they don't heal right away. They will ooze and discharge for a while before they finally scab over and start healing. My first OB lasted almost 2 weeks. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for a topical treatment. I will say that it does get better. Your OB's will be less and less severe as time goes on and take the Valacyclovir every day. Also, with a good support system you will learn to cope and realize your life isn't over and it doesn't define you. There will still be struggles(I'm still struggling with disclosing) but having people to confide in that understand what your feeling makes it easier.

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