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Posts posted by Miserable

  1. Last week i had a sore on my vagina. I freaked out and went to urgent care because i don't play with that area. The doctor told me that i had a rash from shaving. I was not convinced and basically had to force her to send labs for std testing. The day after my urgent care visit they called to tell me that i have trich and prescribed me with any antibiotic. Ugh i had a freaking std.... how? Why? Wtf? So i started taking the antibiotic and 2 days later my vag had turned into a painful blistery wasteland oozeing out goo and making me want to Cath myself to stop from peeing.... at this point I had taken so many pictures of said shaving rash as it spread all over my vag... my leg... and part of my butt, my phone looked like i was making a bad porn version of the creature from the black lagoon. I wasn't convinced with the shading rash diagnosis so i went to see another doctor yesterday. She looked at the original picture and knew what it was right away. Couldn't believe the first doctor was so stupid. (I had to change the name of my bad porn to 'creature from the herp vag'


    I joke about bad things in life... but I still have the normal reaction of, I can't believe this happened to me and all of the normal reactions that people have where they think their life is over and they're never going to do this or do that again. It feels like a dream, like it can't be real.

    So this morning the original doctor's office had called me to tell me that they got my lab results back for the virus and it came back positive. And I just feel like if I hadn't already known the way that the girl told me on the phone would have sent me into shock and frantic crying at my job. It was like she was so insensitive to how much it changes somebody's life. And the whole point of me making this post was just to see if anybody has had a positive experience with a doctor letting you know the results of your lab.


    I'm grateful that I had gone to the second doctor that I had gone to. Because when she told me, she understood that i was devastated she even hugged me and she was willing to explain things to me and she went out of her way to make me feel better about it. Even though you can't really feel better when you find out that that's what you have.


  2. Im having my first outbreak as well. My doctor was really nice she even hugged me lol. She said that future outbreaks are typically not as severe as the first and can be cut shorter with antiviral medication. Obviously everyone is different but i hope you're ob gets better soon.

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