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Posts posted by GreenFern43

  1. I have been going through my first outbreak for about two weeks now and talking valtrex. Today was my last prescribed day to take it. But now i have been experiencing a numbness on my butt and genitals for a few hours. It’s quite frustrating to be honest. 

    Is it normal to experience this constant numbness? How long will it last?

  2. I have recently looked ‘down there’ and seen that the sores are gone and I guess that explains less pain when I move. So I think I am healing and am back to the crazy itch that started before the outbreak. 

    Do you use anything to help? Should I avoid rubbing the area with a washcloth like I have been doing? I am lost and going insane. 

  3. Hi,

    I am a 21 year old female and I got diagnosed on Friday at an emergency gyn appointment because I had such a bad itch down there. He swabbed and sent it off but told me that it looks like Genital herpes. So I have spent the weekend going through my awful outbreak but thanks to finding this forum I’ve picked up on a few helpful tips. 

    Like spray bottle of water to help with painful urinating and soaking in a shallow bath of salt. It hurts to lie down and sit and don’t forget walking. So I will call out of work again. But I told my older cousin the day after finding out who is in the nursing field and it was nice for her to not give me any looks! I don’t know when to tell my parents or if I will. 

    I just finished telling my current partner about the diagnosis over text and he admitted it was ‘scary af’ but that he was cool with it because it is what it is. He is going to go get tested himself but I was expecting such a bad experience. And it wasn’t even a serious relationship, just an exclusive sex partner thing. So it makes me wonder why would he stick around. 

    But I’m just so glad I decided to join this community to get support that i am unsure if I’ll get it with my parents or not. But has anyone else young that lives at home disclosed to their parents? How did it go for you?

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