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Posts posted by aqz97

  1. Hi

    I had vulvodynia for the past year and finally had surgery which i believe went well (I rememebr having 2 days of no pain besides surgery soreness) but then i got a hsv1 outbreak (my 2nd one ever) the blisters have cleared up but AGAIN i am having nerve pain down there and don't know what to do, i am taking 500mg valtrex 2x a day but I don't know if its normal to have prodome symptoms after an outbreak. I was also out on Saturday late drinking with friends- i don't know if that could make the nerve issues last long? In a way I understand that my nerves down there were already aggravated so it may take a little longer to heal, the dr just said to wait a few weeks, BUT I AM SO SICK OF WAITING- i just want a time line or some idea. i am only 21 and this has ripped apart my life and a great relationship that i cant even get over now cause i am always in nerve pain. I just feel so bad for my parents and my poor body, i cab handle the OBs pretty well cause they only take a few days but this mysterious "no end in sight" lingering pain no one can see drives me MAD. and i wont live a life like this. 

    if anyone has been through something similar (i have seen posts on this site similar) please shed some light! I am going to see my GP tomorrow since I am in canada and my doctors are in america since thats where i live full time. will get tested for UTI's and such.

    My symptoms are: (all in vaginal areas)

    burning pain (worst when i urinate)

    tingly (like a worm squirming)

    different tingling (more gentle and will be in a very specific area)

    bubbly feeling? like its rising thru the labia but wont pop


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