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Posts posted by WhenInRome

  1. Hi, 

    so I was in Rome when I contracted herpes. Had no doctor over there who would medicate me for it, so I went through my first outbreak without medication. Ended up getting home and seeing a doctor a few days ago and finally got the medication towards the end of my outbreak. Been on the medication for 3 days now and everything is starting to heal (scabs are gone). Problem is, is I can’t tell if the outbreak is done or not. Not having any symptoms but I read that the outbreak will go away and your skin will look like nothing ever happened. My genital skin is a bit dark but the skin where the outbreak occurred is bright pink. Am I still going through the outbreak? 


    Thanks for your help

  2. Hello everyone,


    so im going through my first outbreak at the moment and am having a symptom that I can’t seem to find anyone else on the internet talking about. Ive had dysuria for about a week and a half now and the only thing that helps is water. Well today I looked down to inspect eveurything and see if everything was healing and noticed around my urethra a tear. Not so much a tear but it’s like the skin is peeling back around one side of the urethral opening. I checked inside for blisters but there are none. The best way I can describe it is about 3mm of skin around one side of the urethral opening is gone exposing a Lower layer. Has this happened to anyone else??


  3. Thanks for your advice, 


    Fortunately, the pimple like bumps in the pubic area are healing and the positive side is none of it hurt unless I touched it and the bumps have only lasted a few days. Only symptom that sucks is the dysuria. They’ve all gone down pretty significantly, which I’m pretty happy about. 

  4. Thanks for the reply,

    yeah, it probably is because my symptoms have been pretty mild so far. I’ve heard it’s worse with HSV-2 but that’s just from the readings. Sorry that you’re going through it too. I’ve had little to no pain thus far which is nice, and the lesions are healing relatively quickly (few days and it’s gone down significantly). but it’s just sickening that my first STD is permenant. 

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  5. Hi,

    I wanted to post this, hoping maybe people like me will stumble upon this forum and find the answer they’re looking for. My herpes isn’t textbook herpes. Truly, had it not been for my hypochondriac like tendencies, I probably wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but if you’re experiencing the same thing as me, I hope this story helps. If you’re a member who’s looking to help, please help me. I don’t know what to do anymore. 

    as my name suggests, I got herpes while in Rome. I was on a trip around Europe and decided to become promiscuous for the first time in my life. I got really drunk one night and allowed a female to give me unprotected oral sex (wasn’t into it nor did I want it, but she was pushy and I felt pressured.) I ended up having dysuria the next day which progressively got worse. After seeing a doctor in Rome he put me on antibiotics thinking it was a UTI and did blood work for Chlamydia, HIV, and gonorrhea (I think he got lost in translation because I asked for a full STD check including herpes but he never did one). Anyway, I started drinking a lot of water and taking the medication and the dysuria started going away. I hopped in the shower one night, thinking it was over, and noticed a lump that looked like an ingrown hair. No pain, sensitive to touch, big, red, and round.  Fair enough, thought it could’ve just been an ingrown hair because I shaved a couple night back and hair was growing back. The next day I inspect the bump and it looks like it’s popped in scabbed over all in about 6 hours. Over the next few days I developed a rash where my groin hits my leg (its bloody hot here and I’m sweating so I still think this is just jock itch). And a couple more bumps appeared on my pubic bone within the hair (still think these are ingrown hairs because I use a dull razor.) Today, I inspect again, everything is starting to heal, (other than my dysuria, which is mild compared to what it used to be but still annoying) when I notice a small white lesion on the head of the penis on the underside. It’s small, white/clear, no pain (not even tender), just there. That’s when I came to the conclusion that I have to have herpes. Why else would I be getting all these random bumps if it weren’t herpes. I truly don’t know what to do, I can’t see a doctor until I get back to the states, so I just have to drown in the fact that it’s not official yet. I’m 23, what girl is going to want to sleep with a guy who will openly tell them they have herpes before it happens. I finally get a chance to be myself and this happens. I can’t tell family or friends, they wouldn’t understand. I don’t know what to do anymore. I just need someone. 

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