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Posts posted by Chrissy23

  1. I have mine around that area as well. My doctor told me I should only have breakouts around there but can still be shedding with vaginal sex. I have ghsv1, I haven’t had a breakout since diagnosed (4 months ago) and take daily medication. Since the infection “lives” in your lower spine it is not specific to anal herpes I think its still genital herpes but that should, from my understanding, be where the breakouts are. 

  2. 4 days in with my hsv-1 diagnosis and I have been a mess to say the least. My newly discovered positive results have me not so positive, which is very unlike me. I cry about the diagnosis, I cry about my future and I just cry. My sister is a doctor and has been extremely helpful in this, but also tells me to just confide in her (which I know I will appreciate in the long run not telling just everyone about this) but also somewhat shameful. I find myself being upset for my family and friends? As if this somehow impacts their life just knowing me (someone with herpes now). I still hookup with one of my exes casually when I visit home and the idea of losing him completely makes me breakdown even more. I know I shouldn't, but I feel extremely unlovable and undesirable. I have never thought of myself as unattractive but now when I look in the mirror I just see disgust and start crying. I want to think of it as just a skin problem, but the idea i could give it to someone else down the road and them potentially feel like this, makes me feel sick. My sister convinced me to just do life normal and see how it doesn't impact me, and while its true my feelings about myself have changed, which in turn has changed life (for now at least). I went out with my friends and all I could think of in the back of my mind was how different I am than everyone. I was looking around thinking "who else is like me" the stats are so high at least some of these people at the bar have to be like me. right? I'm really glad I have my sister to ask the very obvious questions like "well you weren't different last weekend when you didn't know.." And I get that but I was happy last weekend in my bliss of not knowing. I hate the day I found out, it brought my world into a swirling black hole of sadness. I'm taking the medicine because I can't imagine how I would feel if I had another outbreak so soon. The idea of being the fun, loud, loving person I was a week ago feels like a whole lifetime ago and unreachable now. I can breakdown at just the thought this diagnosis may change who I am completely. I don't want to be upset about something so stupid, my outbreaks are more around my anus - not sure why but I am weirdly grateful for that? My vagina isn't any different but I don't ever want to touch it or look at it again, so why should I ever expect someone else to?

    Is this just going to take time? I'm going to look into finding a professional to talk to, but in the mean time do you have any suggestions on how to just move on? Or honestly, just some support would be comforting as I feel very isolated and lonely.


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