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Posts posted by Lm88317

  1. Beckham, Lotusbud, 

    Thank you for the responses and apologies for my late response. I’ve had my head wrapped around the usual symptoms (itching, burning, outbreak) as you said, that I didn’t even see or hear about it severely effecting and causing neorological issues. Before the HSV2 situation I had been told I had slight carpal tunnel in both my hands as i started experiencing painand been experiencing circulatory issues. My friends all joked and said, “Welcome to your 30s”. But now you have me wondering if any of t is related to this. Back to Google I go lol.

    My partners results came in and he tested negative. Now, is it possible that in a years time since this whole situation originally started, we’ve had unprotected sex and if I was positive that he would at this point be too? Very confusing. I’m going to do the Blot with a Washington University on my next day off and hope it provides me with some clarity and relief. 

    I will definitely keep you posted on this emotional roller coaster. 

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  2. Last year I tested positive 2.3 iGg. I Did a western blot and tested negative. My partner tested negative as well. 

    This year I retested and got the same exact iGg result of 2.3. My partner just got his test results and is negative. Over he past year we’ve had unprotected sex. 

    Is my positive false? How could we have unprotected Sex(thinking i was negative) but then i test low positive and he tested negative. 

    Does anyone have feedback? 

  3. My story begins over a year ago. I had come down with the Flu, so i went to my Dr who decided to draw my blood and for whatever reason run an STD panel. When the results came back he told me I tested Positive for HSV2 with an IGg level of 2.3. I had never had an outbreak nor showed any signs of itching, etc. To say i was in shock, disbelief and devastated was an understatement. A million things flowed through my mind.. How? Who? When? Now what? Amongst the constant sick to my stomach feeling especially because I now had to tell my partner who I was with for about a year at that point that I tested positive. 


    To make a long story short my partner was tested and tested Negative for the virus. I was somewhat relieved, at least i hadn’t passed it on to him somehow, i thought. A friend of mine worked at a gay friendly clinic who were able to Use a Western blot just to be sure whether I was positive or not. Since i had been told the results from that test were far more accurate. In my mind This was my last hope. I went, had blood drawn and when the results came in it showed I was Negative for HSV2. After reading about so many False positive stories online i felt a sense of relief. All the emotions that were weighing down on me suddenly vanished and my life went back to “normal”. 

    Flash forward a year later. I wind up back at my Drs office for an incident with my carpal tunnel(30 years old and already have carpal, thanks iPhone, woohoo). I explained to the Dr what had transpired after seeing him last year with the HSV2 and he seemed surprised. He suggested I redraw blood work just to be sure. When the results came in they showed AGAIN positive 2.3 iGg. The same exact Igg number as the last time he tested me. Re-Enter all the emotions and fear of telling and putting my partner through all this again... My Drs words to me were, “I’m not versed in these kinds of things so there’s not much I can tell you other than what the result shows. Here’s a referral to the Infectious Disease Center.” Comforting, thanks Doc. 

    Distraught again I now phone a friend and re take the “western blot” where last year I had tested Negative. Results come in showing 2.3 positive. The nurse tells me, “Have you ever had an outbreak?” No. “So why are you stressing yourself out for? Nothing to worry about. Most people don’t even know they have the virus and if you haven’t had any outbreaks I wouldn’t worry.” More comforting news. She offered me Valtrex but i’ve yet to go down that road. 

    Through endless Google searches I came across The University of Washington, who specializes in Herpes. They offer a Western blot test and a phone number to speak with educated individuals who know the much about the virus. I call, explain my story and am told much more relieving information, that if the test my friends clinic gave me was a “western blot” that it wouldn’t have a # value(2.3) rather, state positive or negative. So, now you’re telling me there’s a chance I don’t have the virus afterall? The individual I spoke with stated here’s a 50/50 chance that I don’t have the virus, that when these blood tests are being done It’s searching for a protein related to HSV2 and just might be confusing it with another, similar protein, which is then causing me to test positive for the virus. So essentially I’m trapped in limbo, or so it feels that way, until I can get enough extra cash to do the test from the University of Washington. 

    The last 2 months have been mentally and emotionally exhausting... My partner is awaiting his results which should be in tomorrow. Hopefully his results are negative, again, as he has also never had any outbreaks and tested negative last year). All I want to know is if I have the virus or I don’t... Any itch or feeling now after  endless googling sends me spiraling into a frenzy.. 

    Has anyone else experienced something like this? False positives? False negatives? 

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