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Posts posted by universalmindgame

  1. 2 hours ago, Ishmael said:

    I think self-healing is a great idea, but don't go overboard on the celibacy. There is no reason to cut intimacy and sex out of your life, at least not in the long term (some alone time while you process is totally understandable). When you want to get back into the dating world, feel free to ask people here for advice. 

    I agree. One day I may end up dating again but I wouldn't want to put anyone else at risk. Sure there is the option of disclosure, but I live in a small community where everyone knows everyone. I'm not brave enough to put myself out there like that just yet. Do you worry about everyone in town finding out and being judged?

  2. Hey Mstanya! I was just there and trust me, planning a car accident will not make your family grieve less. I was diagnosed with hsv2 and not hsv1 BUT my outbreaks have been oral as well. Mainly on the roof of my mouth and on my tonsils. I honestly don't think that there is any place you cant have an outbreak with this disease rather its hsv1 or 2.

     I do have a question for you. How is your diet? Have you payed attention to the things you eat right before an ob? I noticed that once I eliminated alcohol and sugar from my diet completley my ob started to go away faster. I've been doing research on alkaline diets and have read a few testimonials on how people have been able to "cure" or  suppress their ob for over 4 years. I've read that disease cannot survive in an alkaline or a balanced body. Disease thrives in an acidic environment. Acidity comes from the food we eat, alcohol we drink, and also from our muscles tensing up and releasing acid in the process (stress). I understand that you're married though. How does your husband feel? What does he do to comfort you? Does he experience ob's? I would attempt to change my diet and remain celibate until the outbreaks become less often. 

    Try to calm down and breath. Realize that we were all placed here on this earth to "experience" life. Realize that there will be highs and lows in this world that you have no control over. Theres a whole community right here who did not sign up for this life as well. But that doesn't mean you give up. You have a family who needs you. Peace and love to you 

  3. Yesterday, I got my blood test results back and found out I was positive for HSV2. The number greater than 1 was 10! Does that mean I've had this for a long time and not known?? 

    Quick backstory.. As a child I would always get canker sores in my mouth. I never had a bump or blister outside of my mouth, but would get ingrown hair bumps down below. I was too young to be sexually active when either would happen. So I was taken to the doctor for them as a kid and they told me it was only cankers and that they are hereditary. Makes since becasue my father got them really bad as a child as well. So when I get them now as an adult, I don't question it.

    Last April I got really sick.  I became so ill that I couldnt get out of bed. Had extreme night sweats and my throat was on fire! I couldnt eat for about 2 weeks, felt like i was dying. Docs ran test and said it was some type of bad virus and prescribed antibotics. I was living with my boyfriend at the time but he never showed signs of illness. We broke up a few months later due to other circumstances.

    (could that have been my first outbreak??)

    Fast forward to my last obgyn visit this past May. I went in because I kept having discolored vag discharge and wanted to know if it was an std. Test read positive for C and got treated. Took prescribed meds and symptoms went away. Or did they? No. The discharge came back and this time more agressively, so my doc prescribed doxcicilne (spell check) for 2 weeks and told me it was probably a bacterial infection. He also had me take a blood test to test for all STD's (so i thought). Took those meds and began to see symptoms decrease but half way through the second week the discharge came back. Doc did an ultrasound and found cyst on both overies but said they were perfectly noramal and very small.  So thats when I took matters into my own hands and requested a full screening through an online test service. I went to my local LabCorp and had my blood drawn again. Just got the test results yesterday and everything was negative except for my HSV2 results. 

    I'm currently experiencing an ulcer on my tonsil that makes it hard to swallow. I dont have sores on my genitals, infact the only time I get a bump down there is when I shave and get ingrowns. Is it possible to get H on the tonsils and nowhere else? Is it possible that the "cysts" in my overies are H?? Is it possible that those "ingrowns"  were H?  What if I had it for a very long time with no treatment? Currently inbetween insurance companies so I don't have insurance to get treated right now. FML!!!!!

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