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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. Yeah just a bad day..I've taken a couple breathes, had some tea and convinced myself this will pass. Everything you said is what I needed. I'm usually okay with it all. I guess. The shame comes from when I found out thinking stupidly that whores or "bad people" get H. Why was this happening to me? Having to even think about telling someone and explain they'll jump to conclusions and think they way I did. Will it get easier? Are you more at ease with it now? After I'm sure having the talk and being accepted and or rejected? I thought I was until, I started dating a guy after 2years of leaving a 2year relationship where we both had H. If that made sense.. Getting to know someone and wanting to take it further at some point is over shadowed with the task of telling them which id rather just stop talking to them altoghter to avoid having to disclose or catching feelings. This outbreak makes me want to stop talking to him altogether. I know I changed the topic .. but this is what the shame and shitty feelings boiled down to

  2. Okay, so if I may get shameful and privately public and open about my feelings here with you all...

    I've had an outbreak first one in about a year and half. I saw it coming to be honest I've been stressed in my daily life. Stuck in my head with everything I have no control over including this sickness. An now here I am loathing my life and the direction it took ( with getting H ). I'm sitting here in tears, why? I've had it for 3 years now. And I thought I left all my sobbs behind. It is what it is. I had unprotected sex and now i must deal with the consquences. Sitting here in pain and shame just sucks for a lack of a better word. I just feel like utter crap and i dont know what else to do but complain about it. Usually I'm a postive person who tries to be happy because I believe it takes effort. Today though, today is different. I need a friend. A friend who knows what this life is like to help get through this ...

    I don't have anyone in my life who knows

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