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Posts posted by H2018

  1. On 1/14/2019 at 9:51 PM, MissGuided said:

    I would suggest a swab yourself. Don't let the doctor not suggesting a swab discourage you. Ask, and get one done. It will bring you peace of mind. I was tested at 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, and 16 (as of last week) and all have remained below 0.2 I still don't feel at peace, but I'm trying to start accepting things and move on. I still have a weird itchiness where all my pubic hair is on the front, and little red spots that look like freckles that come and go here and there after a couple hours, but no sores or anything typical you would expect. I'm at a loss as well, but I do trust the blood work and assume it must be something else at this point. 

    Thanks for the reply. I actually got a biopsy done yesterday at the dermatologist, so I’ll see what the results are in 1-2 weeks.

    Still experiencing significant pain in my genital region. At this point I just want something to come back positive, herpes or not, so I can put all my energy into treating that one thing and eventually move on.

    I’d be interested in updates if you plan on getting tested at 6 months post exposure. This is my first encounter with a potentially serious medical issue and all of the misinformation out there is alarming. I wish there was a single source of truth for false negative rates for igg testing by weeks after exposure.

  2. Curious if you guys have continued to get tested and what the results were?

    I was tested (Igg) 2, 6, 12, and 18 weeks post exposure. I did take acyclovir for 1-2 weeks during that time period. Not sure if that can influence test results. All results have come back negative, but I continue to experience blister like bumps on my shaft for periodic periods of time. They don’t burst but I do experience genital pain.

    No doctor has suggested a swab since they don’t burst. I’m likely going to get retested at 6 months.

    Everything I’ve read suggest 12/16 weeks should be sufficient, but I’m at a loss for what else to get tested for to get rid of the pain.


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