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Posts posted by SeeingClearly

  1. Hey moving4ward! I think how you feel is totally normal. From a females perspective you should keep the first doctors appt to yourself. I’m sure she’s very upset she gave it to you she doesn’t need to know you’ve been struggling with thoughts of it since then. I disclosed to my boyfriend and he was accepting and I went on antivirals but he still got it. I found out he had been stressing about it for a while and that broke my heart. Everyone deals with this crap differently, I’d suggest really trying to make it work but if it doesn’t thats okay too. Best of luck!!

  2. Hi Ritzy! I was in the exact same place as you about 10 months ago. I contracted genital hsv1 from oral sex and thought my life was over. I struggled with what felt like constant outbreaks, nerve pain and  achiness for about 6 months and then it started to get better to where I don’t notice it anymore. If you still have active blisters you should get them swabbed and typed. Generally they say hsv1 is less severe and that it’s very common ie transmission is less likely as a good portion of the population already has it and can’t be infected twice. I told my boyfriend at the time and he was very understanding, and still is. We had his blood tested and he has it too so we will never really know if he gave it to me or I gave it to him. Maybe that’s a way to approach it with your boyfriend? Ask if he’s had a cold sore etc and branch into the fact that’s you’ve discovered some sores you plan to get checked out. I hope you’re doing okay, I know this is a dark time but you will heal mentally and physically and be you again, don’t let this define you.

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  3. I completely understand how you feel. When I found out I had it I had just started dating someone and had to tell him as we were sleeping together and it was a rough night of sex that brought on my first outbreak. I don't know who gave it to me, but he just had a blood test and he has it. I feel completely destroyed that I may have given it to him. I didn't cry for myself but I've cried non stop for him. I look back and wish we had been more careful even though I was on suppressive valtrex. 

  4. Hi all,

    I'm looking for some advise. I'm on suppressive valtrex 1000mgs a day and have ghsv1. I'm still having outbreaks about every 6 weeks and I've had H for 4 months. Does anyone have a similar story? Does my body need time to adjust? Should I stop taking the valtrex and let my body fight it naturally? I just assumed when I started the suppressive dosage that I wouldn't have any issues so it's hard to handle :(.

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  5. I totally understand I was very nervous and scared but once I accepted that this is what it is I felt much better. I know that's hard for you to do without any solid answers.

    yes I take 1000 split in half of valtrex every 12 hours. I started the suppressive dose shortly after finishing my initial 10 days for the first outbreak. My doctor wants to cut back to 500 mgs a day eventually but I'm scared the symptoms will come back worse if I cut it back. I haven't had any sort of other outbreak since the first. The burning and irritation was really severe for the first 6 weeks. And now it's more bearable so I think either my body is sorting it out or the valtrex needed some time to kick in. It's really hard to know.

    I'm not sure what type of swab it was, I'm in Canada too and just went to the sexual health clinic where they swabbed it and called me with results. In hindsight I'm very glad they were able to tell me hsv1, I had just assumed it was hsv2.

    The encounter I believe was June 2, UTI symptoms (felt like I had to pee but had nothing left to come out, that's the only typical bladder infection symptom I have) on June 26 and they were persistent until July 12. I had my first outbreak on the 17th.

    We are the number 1 advocates for our health and I'm sure everyone here can agree that we let ourselves down in some way to contract hsv and put a small portion of our health in jeopardy. I would just say every time you have anything weird and bump lump etc go get it swabbed if you can. I really hope it gets better for you, the nerve pain can be terrible. 

  6. I was having symptoms like I had a UTI for about 3 weeks but the doctor was telling me I was negative. They still gave me antibiotics so I thought the antibiotics caused me to have a yeast infection because I was super itchy. There was 1 very itchy spot on my outer labia. I scratched it until it bled and took a picture of it and it was a perfect circle. That's when I kinda knew what it was. But it was never a blister and it never had fluid in it. It just slowly faded and healed.

    i thought all the burning etc was prodrome but my doctor said my body probably just needed some extra help fighting the virus and put me on suppressive antivirals.

    I get the icy hot feeling too but on my tail bone. It sounds like a lot of nerve related issues like mine. I couldn't wear tight pants for a long time and honestly when it's burning I'm most comfortable naked. I understand how frustrating this must be, when I have symptoms and they last it just reminds me that there is infact something wrong with me, but at least I have a diagnosis. I can't imagine how hard it is not having answers. I also deal with anxiety and depression and know that when I'm having a harder time mentally the physical symptoms become a lot more apparent. Hopefully we can find ways to calm our minds and inturn calm our bodies.

  7. I was diagnosed by a swab of 1 single lesion. I didn't have a typical "flu like" first outbreak but mostly had that kind of nerve pain. The burning I believe is your nerves trying to sort the virus out when in relation to hsv (correct me if I'm wrong). My primary out break was in July of 2018 so it's still fairly new in my body, I believe I contracted it in early June but I can't be sure. The irritation isn't constant it it's almost like my pubic region will feel inflamed and itchy, for me not shaving is better or shaving downward to keep the hair short but not cause further skin irritation. The burning for me comes and goes and I have found there seem to be things that set it off, like alcohol and citrus. But over time it is getting better. Are you constantly experiencing symptoms?

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