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Posts posted by Idkwhattodo

  1. So I just got my call back from the doctor after a long painful weekend and I tested positive for hsv-1 and negative for hsv-2. However the hsv-1 has shown up in the worst of places which I hear is pretty common now a days. I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on the difference between the two? Or if there are any certain links you know that could be helpful to me. Thanks a bunch guys, this site has been a major help getting through the last week.

  2. I am on medication which I believe is helping cause it's more tolerable then It was at first yet it's only been like 6 days so I'm just worried how long this is gonna happen. Otherwise I have just been taking lots of ibphropen to help with pain and swelling and melatonin Before bed to help sleep, I'll try the pillow thing thank you. Do you think the ointment was a big help to use as well? And do you just use the ointment on the outside?

  3. I am experiencing my first ob and it has been awful to the point of crying in the bathtub : ( the past few days I have been running bath waters with lemon and lavender oils and submerging myself to try to ease the pain . I'm wondering if someone finds something else more soothing for this? I have heard pouring water while peeing at the same time helps but idk if one is really better then the other. I'm almost frightened to not pee in the tub because of the pain. Sadly I can't wait to get back on the toilet! "Bathroom time" has kept me out of work for the last 3 days! Any suggestions so I can return to my daily living? :(

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