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Posts posted by Needinghelp

  1. So I was with a partner about 10 years ago. He told me he had herpes and I believed him and still dated for 3 years. I got itchy about 6 months in. I never felt like I had a real outbreak though. We parted ways and throughout the years the itch became very mild with little to no symptoms. Well he recently contacted me telling me he had an hsv2 screen and it came back negative. So I got one done too and it came back negative. Since being with him I've had two major partners and they also both became itchy after being with me. Is it possible I have genital hsv1? How common is it? I went to get another blood test because I'm almost positive this is what this is. Problem with blood hsv1 test is it doesn't tell you where on your body you have it, mouth or genitals. I'm just confused and need SOME kind of information. I'm waiting on test results right now for that second test. Even if it says positive I wont know where it is unless they get a swab. I don't ever have symptoms though so there's the problem. Argh please help...

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