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Posts posted by Curious

  1. Hello you see I’ve been in my relationship for about a year now love the guy to death. I’m not sure if I’ve possibly had herpes and just didn’t know it or if I recently got it. 


    See i I never experienced any symptoms before until recently. A little before two weeks after my possible exposure. You see I got tipsy one night and an old friend who I’ve had sex with once came on to me. I turned the guy down since I’m now in a relationship but he was insistent. He ended up shoving his hand down my pants and fingering me for two seconds. I may have been intoxicated but said no and told him fuck off got in my car and left. 

    About a week and a half later I started getting more discharge then usual and then the discharge stopped but burning and itching took its place. So I figure I may have herpes. I’m just not sure if me contracting it could of come from that night. I’m just scared maybe possibly by him touching his junk to go pee or whatever could he have given me herpes? Since he did enter me I don’t know  I may be crazy and I could have had herpes and just not known it and it just be a coincidence.

    I just got tested today but I won’t get the results back anywhere from 24-72 hours.  It’s been 1 day shy of three weeks from the possible exposure. I’m scared I may come up negative if I have it. Because I am experiencing symptoms I would hope if I have it that it would show up in my blood work. Do y’all think I may have had it and just not known? Since from what I’ve heard it’s very unlikely I could of gotten herpes this way. What do y’all think? 

    Side note I would of waited the 4 weeks before testing but my boyfriend could tell something was up. So I confessed something is up with my vagina but I don’t know what. He promised he didn’t cheat but insisted that I get tested so that we can know and figure out how to handle this. So he didn’t want me to wait since he doesn’t know about that one night. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him since he’s made it very clear we will break up if I cheated on him. I don’t view it as cheating since I didn’t ask for it however it’s still a violation of trust so yea that’s why he’s in the dark and I couldn’t wait the full 4 weeks he insisted I go today to get tested so I did. But if I have symptoms it should come up in my blood work even though it’s only been three weeks?  Honestly if I have herpes I think it may be from a former lover not that night but I’m just scared if it came from that night how will I explain and false negative then a positive 

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