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Michael RAD

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Posts posted by Michael RAD

  1. Hi Guys! Michael here. I created the project and thank Adrial for allowing me to drop in to your community. Rest assured that the only stereotypes included in the picture will be resting on the ground, broken in a thousand pieces. I have spent the greater part of this year talking with advocates and experts and understand the sensitivity around this issue.


    Party Favors is a movie to bust stigma. I make socially conscious films to smack into consciousness the public, often blinded to the realities that lie before them. My company RAD does not make the typical Hollywood fare. Read this issue of the Huffington post about our film Candyland: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-scarborough/candyland-2013-a-short-fi_b_3480869.html


    So that you know, the partying in the film serves as an escape for the main character. There is no reference to when or where he got H. The night life is a way for him to avoid facing his fears, and by extension, a way for others, anyone, to keep from going inside and facing the depth of their worries and shame, no matter its origin.


    Eddie's (the main character) shame could come from anything. It just happens to be an STD. By bringing an entertaining film about it to the general public, I hope to connect to many thousands who feel the same way but don't know about this wonderful website or that life after an infection can actually give you the opportunity to reach even greater success and fulfillment in life.


    Please visit www.RealizeArtistsDreams.com/partyfavors for more, check into our newly formed Twitter community, and keep sending your comments our way. It is my utmost desire that I enable the work of advocates like Adrial and break down barriers that you may face in our ignorant world!


    Thanks for your comments!


    Michael :-)

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