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Posts posted by RobotWar

  1. Hi Jason. You are allowed to be pissed, and hurt, and angry. But dude, don't give up. Please. 

    There is a psychologist named Elizabeth Kubler Ross and she has a theory about grief - stick with me for a minute. When we find out about our diagnosis, it seems like a horrible thing, and that we are losing 'something', our health, freedom, sex-lives, etc. You need to go through the process of grieving when you lose something. 

    Basically the smart psychology chick says; there are 5 stages of grief and loss; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The sh*tty part is that it's not linear - you don't spend 2 weeks in denial, then move to 2 weeks in anger... You bounce around like a stupid pinball and it takes as long as it takes. And it's different for everyone. https://www.psycom.net/depression.central.grief.html 

    At any rate, you need to go through these things and it will suck. But you'll be stronger. I'm super proud of you for reaching out. It was very brave. Again - dude, don't give up. 

  2. I understand where you are coming from. I commend you for being so honest and disclosing in the first place and he seems very cool and obviously wants to be with you. I would see how you feel when the weekend gets closer. The more you stress and freak out, the more you'll stress and freak out. You can always say you aren't feeling well and don't add details.

    You don't need to specifically blame your period. But if the weekend comes and you don't feel well enough to go out then just stay home and say you don't feel well - again no details about why. It's not lying, it's not omitting. You need to take care of your mental and physical health and if you're stressed, it won't help. Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes. 

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