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Posts posted by PrincessNokia

  1. I initially thought it might be a prodrome, but it’s been going on for 2 weeks and no outbreak , also it was on my stomach. However as far as the antibody thing it’s eveyrwhere, even websites like the American Eye Institue, & The New Zealand Herpes Association. Hopefully It’s just anxiety. I definitely would rule it as herpes prodrome if it was solely on my thighs but it’s been placed like my collarbone. Not knowing is just as stressful as knowing. 

  2. This is kind of a two part question. So I’ve read literally everywhere from doctors and experts that if you have one strain of Hsv in one location it will be particularly unlikely that you will catch that same strain it in a new location and the rule of thumb to that is it doesn’t apply in the first 6 months because your still developing antibodies. 

    Ive had HSV1 oral for a while, I don’t really know how long, don’t really know if I caught it as an adult or kid. However I recently received oral from a partner, and immediately after my anal area was burning. That went away but 4 days later my inner thighs begin to burn, the burning also begin to happen in my ankle, sometimes my toe and even once was on my stomach. I haven’t seen any blisters , a boil / pimple looking thing appeared on my inner thigh but went away in under 24 hours, also I’ve been getting like chafing irritation in my inner thighs now.  This same burning is the burning I feel around my mouth when I believe I first came in contact with HSV.  The possible exposure happened Feb 12,  it’s now Feb 28 so 16 days. If my partner did have HSV 1 oral and performed oral sex on me what is my risk. Would my antibodies to the virus stop it from spreading to my genital location. If so how long will my body fight the virus. Also if my body is still fighting the HSV 1 virus how long will it fight it, and I got the FLU vaccine yesterday will this overwhelm my immune system and give HSV a chance to win the fight and set up latency in my Genital nerves giving me HSV 1 Genital. 

    Sorry it’s so long, but I’m definitely confused and concerned now. 

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