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Posts posted by ritzy

  1. Thank you so much for the support! I just found out that I have genital HSV-1 so I've just been coping with that. The other day I cried for about 2 hours but haven't since. My mood has been greatly improved and I'm managing to find the bright side when I can. I'm hoping that if I take better care of my body and take valtrex at the first sign of symptoms that I'll manage through this. I find that music has been really great and just generally busying my mind with activities. Unfortunately, I'm unable to work out from the discomfort I'm feeling. Can anyone please comment about how often your outbreaks are usually?

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  2. I totally understand how you're feeling, I'm 22 and just got diagnosed a few days ago. It's important that you keep your head up high on your shoulders and work on staying healthy, both physically and emotionally. We have a long and beautiful life ahead of us with many ups and downs, but it's vital that we try to distract ourselves with the things that matter most to us. You are still worthy of love and happiness. If you ever want to talk or just need a friend, feel free to message me I'm here for you!

  3. Hey everyone, I'm 22 years old and am new to this forum. So 9 days ago my boyfriend and I were just grinding on each other and then he went down on me. About 3 days after, I started to develop a sore and day after day it got progressively worse. Now, I have swollen lymph nodes in my pelvis, had muscle aches before, and have another couple sores that popped up on my vagina and butt too. The butt ones are the worst, they itch so bad. I am still awaiting my test results, but I'm pretty sure my diagnosis is that I have genital herpes. I cried when I found out. Every second of every day feels like I can't get my mind off it and can't help but wish that I could just go back to the way I was before. I'm a little depressed about it and can't tell anyone, not even my parents for fear they'll be really angry and not sympathetic. I don't even want to tell my boyfriend, who likely gave it to me, because I don't know how he'll react and I don't want him to break up with me. I'm angry and sad and I'm turning to this forum to help me feel less alone in all of this. For those of you who've gone through this, are the future outbreaks gonna be as bad as the first? Also, do you have any recommendations to help ease with the itchy blisters down there or like any remedies/ treatments I should try? Any and all answers are appreciated!

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