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Posts posted by Chloe

  1. Hi everyone, 

    Long story short, my boyfriend of 9 months had a cold sore and we had sexual intercourse, including oral. This all happened on a Sunday. Fast forward to Thursday and I begin to experience a burning sensation in my vagina. I initially think it’s a UTI (not too concerned). We are beginning to go out to dinner Thursday night and as I am putting make up on I see a bump on my lip. Come Saturday I have a full blown cold sore on my lip and the symptoms in my vagina are getting worse. Since it’s the weekend, and my insurance is shit, I used telemedicine to get diagnosed. I was diagnosed with genital herpes, but it was not specified as to which kind. I have an appointment with my OBGYN, but have not been yet. 


    Basically, I am curious as to whether or not it is possible that I contracted HSV1 on BOTH my lip and vagina? Also, since my boyfriend gave it to me via cold sore, what are the chances he could get it genitally? 

    I am very new to this, so if anyone could also break down the stages of outbreak that would be great. Not sure what to expect and how long to expect it. 

    Thanks in advance! 

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