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Posts posted by Hank84

  1. Thanks Hope! My bad I did originally write >0.9. It’s still itchy and I still have some pimples there. It’s been about 3 weeks which is why I think I have it. But does the lack of other physical symptoms (muscle ache, fever, tiredness, feels normal when I pee, etc) mean anything? Thanks again

  2. Thanks for the response Hope! This was my first ever test for herpes. It didn’t give me an exact igg value, just said it was less than 0.9 and the swab showed up negative too. I still have signs that it is present in the region but no physical symptoms have taken place outside of itching and pimples. I really don’t want to spread this to anyone if I do have it. Brought home a girl last night and pretended to be too drunk to do anything. Is the swab enough to be conclusive or do you think I should retest it now? Thanks again!

  3. Hey, hope everyones doing well! Long story short, I had sex with a girl (condom broke) about 4 weeks ago. 1 week later, I had physical symptoms including itching and some pimples down there. I got tested about 8 days after sex (2 days after itching started), which included both a swab of a sore and IGG test. The test came back >0.9 and the culture of the sore came back negative. I didn't have ANY of the physical symptoms, but that was because I slept 3 hours the night before. I still have some sores down there but it doesn't really itch. The lack of physical symptoms has made me think the test might be right, but deep down I feel like I have herpes. I've been reading this site nonstop for the past 2 weeks and any insight would be really appreciated. Thank you!

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